



I've been programming Android in Eclipse for about a year now and I have always launched my app by right clicking on my project name in the project explorer, followed by "run as", then "Android Application". There has to be a better way...

Is there a way to change this (three mouse clicks):

"Right click on project" -> "run as" -> "Android Application"

To this (one hotkey press):

<My favorite hotkey>

So I can just press one button to launch my app?



In preferences, go to General -> keys and search for the Android Application command. You can set a new key combination from here.

I bound CTRL+F11 to "Run android application" for "in windows" and it doesn't do sh** when I press the key. Any ideas?
Brad Hein
Check the conflicts list, if another key combination is bound to CTRL+F11 already then you will need to change it to something else. [This question]( mentions that CTRL+F11 is mapped to something else.
I tried a few different other keys with no conflicts, none worked. I have a suspicion that the Gnome window manager is intercepting my key sequences. I did try a really wacky one Control+shift+F10 which definitely wasn't bound in Gnome and it still failed.
Brad Hein
Accepting this answer. This is indeed how keyboard shortcuts are set in Eclipse. The reason it's not working on my PC is something with my desktop configuration so no sense in keeping this question open any longer. Thank you!
Brad Hein

Eclipse toolbar has green run button which has default meaning run last selected configuration. Just click there.
