



We implemented Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm:

KeyAgreement aKeyAgree = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH");


Now we need to generate a secret to use for AES encryption. There is method generateSecret(String algorithm). I think I should call it with 'AES' argument.

But for DH I use 512-bit length public keys so the secret should be 512-bit length too. But AES allows 256-bit length keys as maximum. The plain method generateSecret() without parameters returns 512-bit DH secret. But what generateSecret(String) does? How it transform 512-bit secret to 256/128-bit AES key?

+1  A: 

Diffie-Hellman is a key agreement protocol; AES is a symmetric encryption algorithm.

The no-argument generateSecret() call provides a key of the default size for the key agreement algorithm. Passing the algorithm name to generateSecret will give you a key with the appropriate size for your algorithm (i.e. shortened to 256 bits for AES).

I found a page that shows an example.

I would expect you can just replace "DES" in the example with "AES" or whatever symmetric key algorithm you'd like to use.

Shawn D.
I first generate the shared secret with Diffie-Hellman algo then use the generated key to encrypt data with AES.
I don't try to replace one with another. I just try to use them both in conjunction.
Did you figure it out?
Shawn D.

This method just truncate generatedSecret().
