



I need to implement a page with both search form with a search button and grid that displays results ( sortable and pagable ). Lets call this page the summary page.

Whole page needs to be ajaxified so it won't reload itself when user is searching or paging or sorting the results.

I've got two questions :

1) what is the best way to save page state in the url? I need to save the search form fields and grid page index and sort order in the url. Remember that page will use ajax so it's not a matter of using form method=get. Should I add values to url after the hash? What would be a recommended practice here?

2) each row in the grid on the summary page will link to details page. details page will display additional information. it will have a back link which should take the user to the summary page that should be in the same state as it was when user clicked a row in the grid. so when user did a search on a phrase, changed sort order in the grid, paged to second page and then navigated to details page the back button should take the user to summary page filtered by a phrase, sorted and paged. what's the way to generate the back url? it should contain proper url to summary page...

3) another complication is that the user can navigate from summary page to details page and from details page to yet another page ( displaying even more information then details page ). when user comes back from this last page to details page the back link to summary page should be still valid.

Thanks, M