



Real World Problem:

I have my app hosted on Heroku, who (to my knowledge) are unable to offer a solution for running a Headless (GUI-less) Browser - such as HTMLUnit - for generating HTML Snapshots for Googlebot to index my AJAX content.

My Proposed Solution:

If you haven't already, I suggest reading Google's Full Specification for Making AJAX Applications Crawlable.

Imagine I have:

  • a Sinatra app hosted on Heroku on the domain
  • the app has tabs along the top of the page TabA, TabB and TabC
  • under each tab is SubTab1, SubTab2, SubTab3
  • onload if the url is!tab=TabA&subtab=SubTab3 then client-side Javascript takes the location.hash and loads in TabA, SubTab3 content via AJAX.

Note: the Hash Bang (#!) is part of the google spec.

I would like to build a simple "web service" hosted on Google App Engine (GAE) that:

  1. Accepts a URL param e.g.!tab=TabA&subtab=SubTab3 (url param should be URLEncoded)
  2. Runs HTMLUnit to open!tab=TabA&subtab=SubTab3 and run the client-side javascript on the sever.
  3. HTMLUnit returns the DOM once everything is complete (or something like 45 seconds has passed).
  4. The return content could be sent back via JSON/JSONP, or alternatively a URL is return to a file generated and stored on the google app engine server (for file based "cached" results)... open to suggestions here. If a URL to a file was returned then you could CURL to get the source code (aka a HTML Snapshot).

My app would need to manage the call to basically:

  1. Catch Googlebots call to (googlebot crawler escapes certain characters e.g. %26 = &).
  2. Send request from the backend to!tab=TabA&subtab=SubTab3 (url param should be URLEncoded)
  3. Render the returned HTML Snapshot to the frontend.
  4. Google Indexes the content and we rejoice!

I don't have any experience with Google App Engine or Java or HTMLUnit.

I might be able to figure it out... and will post my results if I do.

Otherwise I feel this is a VERY good opportunity for someone to write a kick-ass blog post that outlines a novices step-by-step guide to setting up a web service like this.

This will introduce more people to the excellent (and free!) Google App Engine. Also it will undoubtably encourage more people to adopt Google's specs for crawlable AJAX content... something we can all benefit from!

As Google's specification gains more acceptance the "hurdle" of setting up a Headless Browser is going to send many devs Googling for answers! Get in now with an answer for fame and glory! (edit: at the very least I will sing your praises).

Hit me up on twitter @i_chris_jacob if you would like to discuss solutions.

+1  A: 

I have successfully used HTMLunit on AppEngine. My GWT code to do this is available in the gwt-platform project the results I got were similar to that of the HTMLunit-AppEngine test application by Amit Manjhi.

It should be relatively easy to use GWTP current HTMLunit support to do exactly what you describe, although you could likely do it in a simpler app. One problem I see is that AppEngine requests have a 30 second timeout, so you can't have a page that takes HTMLunit longer than that to process.

Philippe Beaudoin
So HtmlUnit works on GAE now? Any caveats which you know of?
Matt H
I still have a problem accessing my own application with HTMLunit, which makes it hard for an app to serve itself to the crawler. The details of my issue are subtle but I describe them here ( I haven't tested this in a while, so maybe the problem went away.
Philippe Beaudoin
On Amit Manjhi's test app it seems to work fine with the same URL. Maybe this has fixed itself, or maybe it depends on a multitude of factors.
Matt H
Could be. I wondered for a while if it wasn't some limitation of the free AppEngine account that wouldn't spawn two Servlets in frequent succession.
Philippe Beaudoin
Thanks Philippe and Matt. I will investigate GWTP and see what results I can come up with. If either of you are interested in working with me on this I think a Headless Brower as a Web Service is an interesting project (and shouldn't be very hard with GAE and GWTP). Today I've been spec'ing out my own solution for building crawlable, accessible, deeplinked AJAX web apps. Leveraging a Headless Browser to generate HTML Snapshots when the client does not have javascript.. "Headless AJAX" I think I'll call it ;). More info soon.
Chris Jacob
Chris, there is an open issue on GWTP regarding a module to make App Engine based GWTP apps crawlable. It's blocked on the bug I described above but my latest idea, following the proposal here, is to cut the Gordian knot by providing an easy way to build your own Web Service. Maybe you'd like to contribute on this? (Issue and discussion is at:
Philippe Beaudoin

My question is how is it that you do step number one in your solution: catch the googlebot call? I'm not using a framework, I am running an ajax application on apache. The only thing I could come up with so far was to run a reverse proxy and do a check on every incoming url.. Is there an easier way?

Brian McMahan guide-- 2. Set up your server to handle requests for URLs that contain _escaped_fragment_The crawler will modify each AJAX URL such!key=valueto temporarily your end all you need to do is handle "?_escaped_fragment_=" requests
Chris Jacob
That doesn't answer my question... last sentence in your post.. "On your end all you need to do is handle '?_escaped_fragment_=' requests"... This is the 'how' I am asking about.. The only two solutions I can come up with are integrate a server side code (PHP) or reverse proxy w/ apache. I am just curious on how other people went about handling it.
Brian McMahan