In the recent update of java (6.10) text the way that unsigned applets was changed. A warning is now displayed. Is it possible to turn this off without signing your applet?
What would be the point of such a warning if you could disable it programatically?
Joachim Sauer
2008-12-09 15:53:40
You would think there would be an option for a white list so you don't keep getting warned about an applet that you trust that has not been signed
2008-12-09 15:57:52
There's no way to reliably identify an Applet that's not been signed. Therefore you couldn't even create a secure white list (because some bad code could come from the same URL that you whitelisted without you noticing).
Joachim Sauer
2008-12-09 16:05:27
There is a way to disable it. Do the following:
- Open C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin and run policytool.exe.
- In the Policy Tool window click File -> Open and choose the file java.policy from C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security.
- Click on "CodeBase ALL" and on the button "Edit Policy Entry" afterwards.
- In the Policy Entry window click "Add Permission".
- In the Permissions window choose "AWTPermission" from the "Permission:" combo box, and "showWindowWithoutWarningBanner" from the "Target Name:" combo box. Then click "OK".
- Back in the Policy Entry window click "Done".
- Back in the Policy Tool window click File -> Save.
- Restart your browser.
- Enjoy your warning-free applets :).