



Is it possible to have additional "using" statements automatically added to my new aspx.cs files so that I do not have to keep typing the same ones over and over again (i.e. custom namespace using statements)

+1  A: 

You can edit the files that are used by the template. Better yet, create your own. File + Export Template.

Hans Passant
This worked great thank you

You don't have to type them in. When writing the code, type in the name of the class (without the namespace). Then hit CTRL+.. That will open up the resolve type intellisense helper. It will add the using statement to the top of the file. No scrolling necessary.

Matt Brunell
I was thinking about using this method, but I have a helper, and he is not too familiar with using VS2008 or anytype of Development software expect for notepad. So I am a little reluctant