



Can any one list out the tips to tune JSF WebApp @ its best.

+3  A: 

JSF RichFace

Never put logic into your getters. They are called multiple times and should only return something already populated by another method. For example if you are chaining drop-downs together use an a4j:support tag on the first one with an action attribute that loads the data which is then retrieved when you reRender the second one.

Use the ajaxSingle="true" unless you actually want to send the whole form back to the server.
Don't use a rich component if you only need a normal one. For example don't use rich:dataTable unless you are making use of some of the features that it has over and above h:dataTable.

Consider using immediate=true attributes on elements where you do not need validation Avoid displaying large tables to user.

Use pagination Do not over complicate EL expressions, code them in Java in backing bean

JSF BestPractices
Performance Tuning
Some of the comments in JSF BestPractices are old. for example the usage of c:if - it's not recommended to use JSTL in JSF. it also breaks some functionality like ViewScope in JSF2
yeah , Thanks Odelya.
More I am expecting from BalusC.