



I know that the Properties class is a sub-class of Hashtable. So all the inherited methods are synchronized, but what about the other methods of Properties such as store, load, etc? (Dealing specifically with Java 1.6)

+5  A: 

the java1.6 javadoc says:

This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single Properties object without the need for external synchronization.

Nikolaus Gradwohl

According to

This class is thread-safe

Manuel Selva
Sorry, I didn't see the previous answer when answering. Sometimes Stackoverflow notifies me about new answers while I am typing but not always ...
Manuel Selva
+2  A: 

I always found the doc disclaimer misleading, specially for beginners (pardon if it is not your case).

This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single Properties object without the need for external synchronization.

Even Thread-safe classes need synchronization more than you think. What is synchronized on that classes are their methods, but often a user uses this classes in a more complex context.

If you only put/get it is ok, but with some more code things get tighter:


This example code only prints for shure "abc123" in a multi threaded environment, if the section is a synchronized block (and even then things could get wrong).

For that reason (and of courrse performance) i prefer non thread safe classes and i get forced to think: is my program thread safe ...

obligatory reference:
Hemal Pandya