




I can find plenty of functions that let you decompress a GZip file, but how do I decompress a GZip string?

I'm trying to parse a HTTP response where the response body is compressed with GZip. However, the entire response is simply stored in a string so part of the string contains binary chars.

I'm attempting to use:

byte responseBodyBytes[] = responseBody.getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBodyBytes); 
GZIPInputStream gzis = new GZIPInputStream(bais);

But that just throws an exception: java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format

+4  A: 

There's no such thing as a GZip string. GZip is binary, strings are text.

If you want to compress a string, you need to convert it into binary first - e.g. with OutputStreamWriter chained to a compressing OutputStream (e.g. a GZIPOutputStream)

Likewise to read the data, you can use an InputStreamReader chained to a decompressing InputStream (e.g. a GZIPInputStream).

One way of easily reading from a Reader is to use CharStreams.toString(Readable) from Guava, or a similar library.

Jon Skeet
I'm trying to parse a HTTP response where the response body is compressed with GZip. However, the entire response is simply stored in a string so part of the string contains binary chars. Are you saying that it is not possible to convert this "GZip string" into a text string?
@Matt: You shouldn't be storing the response in a string to start with. If it's binary, it shouldn't be in text at all, unless it's base64. The concept of "part of the string contains binary data" really doesn't work. It sounds like you need to change your approach.
Jon Skeet
The response is initially presented as a byte[], so that's all I have available. Could I use this?