





I want to use anti-samy from OWASP. They got a Policy object, that is instantiated via a factory method.

public static Policy getInstance(InputStream inputStream);

The InputStream that needs to be passed to the factory-method represents the config file for the policy-object.

Is it possible to use create a policy bean in an spring xml context config? I know, that there is a Resource object, that can load files from classpath. But what I need is to make a InputStream out of that Resource object. Can I doe this directly in the xml-spring-context? Or do I need to write java code in order to get the InputStream?

+3  A: 

Use the factory-method approach together with a constructor-arg (that will be mapped to a factory method argument) and automatically converted to an InputStream from a resource notation.

<bean id="policy" class="org.owasp.validator.html.Policy"

    <!-- type needed because there is also a getInstance(String) method -->
        type="java.io.InputStream" />


See the following parts of the Spring Reference:

Hey, I didn't realise Spring could coerce to `InputStream`, that's neat. Note, however, that Spring will not close the `InputStream` itself, it assumes the bean will do it. If the `Policy` class doesn't close that stream, then you'll end up with a leak.
Well observed. Policy does not close the InputStream: http://code.google.com/p/owaspantisamy/source/browse/trunk/Java/current/antisamy-project/antisamy/src/main/java/org/owasp/validator/html/Policy.java#210 . This should be reported as a bug, I guess
Hm, then I will open and close the InputStream in java-code.However, the construct <constructor-arg value="classpath:path/to/policyFile.xml" />looks neat, but when I try it out, I get a FileNotFoundException, that tells me it can not find 'classpath:tempo-antisamy.xml'. Somehow the classpath prefix is not separated from the filename
@seanizer: I don't think this is a bug in `Policy`. It's good practise to close stream sin the same piece of code that opens them, and this would break that practise.
@nebenmir: obvious. It's trying to instantiate the method with the string parameter: http://code.google.com/p/owaspantisamy/source/browse/trunk/Java/current/antisamy-project/antisamy/src/main/java/org/owasp/validator/html/Policy.java#158 I'll try to see what we can do about that...
@nebenmir: fixed, see update
+2  A: 

@seanizer's solution would be a good one if Policy closed the InputStream after it was finished reading from it, but apparently it doesn't. This will result in a leak, the severity of which depends how often it is called, and the nature of the resource.

To be safe, you should consider writing a custom FactoryBean implementation instead, which handles the opening and closing of the InputStream safely. The FactoryBean would be injected with a Resource object.

It shouldn't be a problem for a singleton bean, but it could be a real mess in a prototype bean, I agree.
@seanizer: Just so. Also, on windows that's going to keep an open file lock for as long as the app is running, which can be a real PITA.
assuming it's a file and not a jar resource, yes