



When using MochaUI to open a new floating container (from the demo menu File>Tests>any), a new tab appears in the "Dock" bar, and when one click this tab the floating window minize/restore.

What I'd like to use is to use those tabs but having the containers (maximized) into a panel.

For example, I click File>Open>Something_1111, and a new container opens an iframe into the panel (at full panel size, without resizing feature, just as if it was the panel loading the iframe) and a new tab for Something_1111 appears in the dock bar, then I click File>Open>Something_2222, this new container opens a new iframe into the panel minimizing the previous container, and a tab for Something_2222 appears in the dock bar. If I click any tab, this should bring up the container for that tab without having to reload the iframe (as if it was a normal floating container but I want it to look like its one panel changing its content).

Is there a way I can do this?