
How to change the style of an element/container when the focus is "inside" it?

Suppose to have a code like this: <div class="notSelected"> <label>Name <input type="text" name="name" id="name" /> </label> <div class="description"> Tell us what's your name to make us able to fake to be your friend when sending you an email. </div> </div> Now suppose I've some...

Which JavaScript library you recommend to use with J2EE + Struts + iBatis ?

Which JavaScript library you recommend to use with J2EE + Struts + iBatis ? Something like Ext JS, Dojo, frameworks that can be easily integrated with Struts. ...

Do any JavaScript toolkits have well-known security holes?

I'm surveying a wide array of web frameworks, and the majority don't mention security as an issue on their websites (eg scriptaculous, jQuery, Prototype, Rico) Does anyone know of any that are more or less secure than the others? (ignoring the usual security holes that using JavaScript provides e.g. XSS) ...

How do you determine media type in Javascript?

I looked around and didn't see this question asked yet. What's a reliable way in Javascript to determine the media type (e.g. screen, print, handheld) of the page? I've seen references to document.styleSheets[0].media, but I've had no luck using this, either because of browser support issues or because I'm not understanding something. ...

Light Javascript framework

I'm trying to create a small Javascript "framework" that I can use in my greasemonkey scripts. I only need very basic functions, so this is why I choose not to use mooTools or DOMAssistant. Besides, I'm not going to be silly and put DOMAssitant in a 20KB Greasemonkey script! I just want a small, neat snippet of code. I have a small prob...

What are your tips for best practice for web application structure?

I do a lot of custom applications at work. I'm trying to define some standards for new applications. Something a little like Elements. CSS: How do you organize the style sheets? Should I have one base style sheet for the whole site and one for each individual page for customizations? Should I have another for print styles? I've hea...

Which JavaScript Library Has the Most Comprehensive Class Inheritance Support?

After playing with a dozen different JavaScript Libraries such as Prototype, jQuery, YUI, just to name a few, I found every different library has a different way of simulating some sort of Class Hierarchy and provide some sort of Class Inheritance support. (Other than jQuery) Other than being very annoyed that when you create a new class...

JavaScript frameworks and CSS frameworks: JQuery, YUI, neither, or something else?

I haven't done web development for about 6 years. I'm trying to get back into it and there is a lot of new stuff out there. I've chosen to write my next project with Perl and Catalyst. I keep hearing about various JavaScript and CSS frameworks. I know very little about these frameworks so maybe this question is overly broad and ope...

Suggestions for a JavaScript form builder?

I'm looking to integrate a form builder into a site I'm using, but I'm hoping to find a library that has some or most of the functionality I'm looking for. I'm looking for a library that will give me a nice GUI for building the form, and a JSON (or XML, or similar) output that I can play with in the django backend. I'm planning to use ...

Are there any guides on converting between Javascript frameworks?

I have a date picker library written for MooTools that I want to port to Prototype. It's looking to be a long arduous task and I'm wondering if anyone has seen or written guides on the differences between the two. A translation dictionary of sorts, where I can look up a Moo function and see the prototype equivalent, or vise-versa. The...

Extjs Training

Our company is starting a major re factor of its front end Javascript code. We have decided to use Extjs as a framework and would like to invest in some training for several of our employees. We are mostly looking for Extjs specific material, but some advanced architecture wouldn't hurt. We are happy to fly our employees on location.The ...

Which javascript library or framework supports "Table Of Content" generation?

I am looking for a javascript on the fly "Table Of Contents" generation from HTML (with anchors). Example: <h1>First level1 heading</h1> lorem ipsum <h2>1a heading</h2> lorem ipsum <h2>1b heading</h2> lorem ipsum <h1>Second level1 heading</h1> lorem ipsum Should return something like First level1 heading 1a heading 1b h...

How to free memory from a looped object

I am trying to dynamically update a tooltip made with Prototip and Prototype. The way I am trying to do this is probably not the best way (so if you know a better way that would be helpful), but the only way i could think to do it would be to hold the javascript in a div element and update the javascript inside the div element in order ...

Which method to use in Coding a Javascript "Plugin"

I am creating an in-page editor using FCKEditor. Essentially there will be multiple div's on a page, with each div being editable having certain tags as identifiers. When you click on a div, it will convert into an FCKEditor, and place the toolbar above. All the other text areas are disabled. I have this working, however I am looking a...

How do get WMD-Editor to post Markdown to the server and not HTML?

Hi, it seem that WMD-Editor is posting HTML to the server instead of the markdown? How can i get it to send the Markdown? ...

Can I use a Javascript framework within my Firefox Addons?

I'm writing a Firefox Addon and I was wondering if I could take advantage of frameworks such as jQuery within my Firefox addon source code? Would it be as simple as including the jquery JS file within my addon's package folder and linking to it in my XUL file? ...

How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

Hi, I'm trying to write a jQuery plugin that will provide additional functions/methods to the object that calls it. All the tutorials I read online (have been browsing for the past 2 hours) include, at the most, how to add options, but not additional functions. Here's what I am looking to do: //format div to be a message container by c...

JavaScript: Link from GitHub or link to local file?

I know that when linking to libraries such as jQuery that are hosted on Google Code it's better to link to the hosted one (Google's). But when there are other libraries and frameworks hosted on sites such as GitHub (like this jQuery LightBox, do you think its best to link to the library directly from GitHub, or should I download it and ...

Image Flip effect using prototype / scriptaculous javascript framework

Here is the flip effect that I need: Is there any prototype / scriptaculous plugin doing the same thing? ...

How do I create folders and add/update Javascript (use a jQuery framework for my site) on Google sites?

How do I create folders and add/update Javascript (use a jQuery framework for my site) on Google sites? ...