
Calling Javascript function from Java using JSObject

I'm just trying to call a Javascript function from Java using JSObject. I need the Javascript function to update an HTML text field. For this I need to know the element ID and the value. I have tried this but it doesn't work. When trying to access from Javascript the values passed are empty. So my question is how can I access those va...

Using MochaUI windows tabs for MUI.Panels?

When using MochaUI to open a new floating container (from the demo menu File>Tests>any), a new tab appears in the "Dock" bar, and when one click this tab the floating window minize/restore. What I'd like to use is to use those tabs but having the containers (maximized) into a panel. For example, I click File>Open>Something_1111, and a ...

What exactly happens in this javascript sequence?

Hi folks, I would like to get a deeper understanding of the nuances of javascript. Take the function below: str.replace(/(\b[^:]+):'([^']+)'/g, function ($0, param, value) { ret[param] = value; }); Why is there a need for /g? What exactly gets passed into the function? Where do these values come from? Thanks! ...

Project ideas to master JavaScript

This question is the following of my other question here: I decided to learn JavaScript, however and in spite of I learn by doing, I don't find anything I can be doing in order to learn JavaScript. What projects do you recommend me to start? What cool things can I do ...

How to use javascript namespaces correctly in a View / PartialView

i've been playing with MVC for a while now, but since the project i'm on is starting to get wind in its sails more and more people are added to it. Since i'm in charge of hacking around to find out some "best practice", i'm especially wary about the possible misuses of javascript and would like to find out what would be the best way to h...

Page refresh with onclick event in dojo and I don't want a page refresh

For some reason in ie8 when I run this function after an onclick event it causes a page refresh. I don't wan the page refresh to happen. var edealsButton = dojo.byId("edeals_button"); var edealEmailInput = dojo.byId("edeals_email"); var edealsSignup = dojo.byId("edeals_signup"); var edealsThankYou = dojo.byId("edeals_thankyo...

Better dialog shadows in YUI 2 ?

Here's a tricky one: has anybody seen a YUI dialog/panel implementation with nice OS X style shadows around the dialog, instead of the blocky shadow that is implemented by default with the "underlay" element? You can see this type of shadow on popup windows. It requires quite a bit of PNGs but looks very nice. I'm thinking...

Real Time data graph

I would like to build a web-based real time data graph and i'm looking at the different options such as: Html5 canvas JS libraries with graph support such as Extjs Can you please recommend any ? ** UPDATE ** By real time i mean, either the client polling the web server say every second or using reverse ajax; the server pushes data...

CKEditor : How to apply/load automatically a template in the editor ?

Hello everyone, I'm using the WYSIWYG editor CKeditor in one of my websites. In order to be more user friendly, I would like to load automatically a specific template each time the editor is used. The customer has to apply this template in order to have a good integration with the rest of the website (which is designed with content disp...

javascript framework for relationship visualization

I need to create a dynamic visualization for nodes and their relationships in Javascript. What's the best framework to use? This is what I've briefly reviewed so far: Flare - it's Flash and hasn't been updated in almost 2 years. JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - interaction seems a little slow, maybe that's on purpose in the demos Protovi...

is unescaping a javascript pre-escaped function a bad idea for performance?

I want to pre-escape part of my javascript code and then include it in my page in the form of eval(unescape([code])). The reason is to hide something from spiders. would I be sacrificing performance? does any body have a better suggestion. Also found this obfuscator: ...

Javascript not work in Safarie but work in Firefox?

Hello all. i have a script this one. /* Load new scripts for system */ function includeJS( jsPath ) { var js = document.createElement("script"); js.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); js.setAttribute("src", jsPath); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js); } /* All system will be include here. */ ...

what are the top js lib/framework/tool i should know?

hi, i know the basics of js the language for several years, but never had a need to go deeper than say change a style of a paragraph or do a image rollover or validate a field. am thinking going deeper with js. can anyone recommend the top 3 library or framework that you cant live without? Xah ...

Is there anyway to detect OS language using javascript?

Hi I need to detect OS language using javascript so I can view my page depending on the language. I know that we can detect the browser language but that is not enough for me. I need Operation System language Thanks in advance ...

extend properties in javascript

hi, i have this code in javascript: var object = { get: function(id){ sel = document.getElementById(id); sel.orig = {}; ... return object.extend(sel, object); } extend: function(el, opt){ for(var name in opt) el[name] = opt[name]; return el; } } and in another js i hav...

jquery,prototype,mootools altogether in magento

Hi, I have got a template which is really nice with great Ui. But they used jquery and mootools without any prob. And now i incorporate that one with magento but i have the prob with prototype. Is it possible to use all these libraries together. Please help me. And one query with stackoverflow : here i had more than 110 reputation but ...

recommended graphical javascript framework to draw on top of web pages

I'm looking for a JavaScript framework that will assist me to draw/animate shapes on top of my web document elements. for example - I want to place a banner/popup just on a specific word in my web-document and make if disappear/fade out after a while. any recommendations? thanks ...

JavaScript based iPhone UI framework

We have a push based web-application. Recently, we planned to make an iPhone app for it. Much like Facebook has it's iPhone application as well as web presence. We are looking for a UI framework that can get us going quickly. I've leafed through PhoneGap and couple other JS based UI frameworks mentioned here. I am bit unsure what can sui...

javascript effects queue (chain)

Hi, im building an animation framework for my work, and im stock in the Queue or chain effects part, actually i have something like this: var Fx = { animate: function(){...}, fadeIn: function(){...}, fadeOut: function(){...} } etc etc... so, actually i can do: $('#element').animate({options}).fadeIn({options}); and it w...