




So I have a maven module (module-A) in IntelliJ. I recently moved some classes from it into another new maven module (module-B) and added a dependency to it. Once I had done this I also modified the signature of a method of one of the moved classes (now in module-B).

I re-imported the poms so that IntelliJ would pick up the dependency changes and ensured all Java imports for the affected files were correct again. Now when I attempt to run my webapp (which depends on the two modules) I get a compile error in a class in module-A calling the modified method of the class in module-B.

The error message is basically saying that that method doesn't exist but believes the old method still exists! I click on the 'make' error and it takes me to the line in a class in module-A calling the modified method...the weird thing is, IntelliJ knows it is fine in the file. i.e. The method is not underlined in red like a compile error would normally be, but the class file name is :(

I compiled it from the command line using 'mvn install' (having also installed module-B) and it is all successful. I have deleted the classes directory in the target of both module-A and module-B and also invalidated IntelliJ's caches and restarted...still happening...any ideas?

Thanks in advance


Try to mvn clean your projects and mvn install your project B.

The maven integration with intelliJ is kind of buggy when you use the make command directly provided by Intellij. You should directly use the mvn commands, or start them from the maven panel.

Colin Hebert
Sorry forgot to mention, unfortunately I have already tried multiple clean / installs of those modules and of their parent pom, also performed clean install.

So just stated it up this morning and it's all working!

Last night what I did do was open a new project (intelliJ project) from module-A's and module-B's parent pom and successfully got it to build, possibly doing that and then opening my original project again fixed it somehow...very annoying though

Forget that - it just turned out intelliJ decided not to compile anything anymore...reimported the poms once more and its back. I'm enjoying this so much :(