Falmarri's answer is the correct one, and I do not understand your concerns.
In onPostExecute()
, when you determine that things went awry:
- Call
to get the AlarmManager
- Call
on the AlarmManager
to trigger you in 5 minutes
If needed, use extras on the Intent
in the PendingIntent
to give you information about what to retry, or use a custom action string to distinguish retries from the scheduled alarm, or something. Note that if you use Intent
extras, you will need to choose an appropriate flag with PendingIntent
The problem is the AlarmManager is started from one class but the AsyncTask is in another class, therefore
the class that starts the AlarmManager doesn't know whether it has failed or not.
So? Multiple classes can talk to the AlarmManager
. Also, feel free to pass data to your AsyncTask
subclass via its constructor.
Also, you might want to consider using an IntentService
rather than a Service
and AsyncTask
. IntentService
gives you a background thread automatically. Plus, it shuts down when there is no more work to be done, which is also important, so you don't get a bunch of one-star ratings on the Market complaining about the service you keep running all of the time.
I don't want to start an AlarmManager from the onPostExecute() of my Service class.
Why not?
If I start an AlarmManager from within the Service then I'm sort of creating a recurring function where
I'm calling the Service from itself.
Of course. That's what you want. It matters not a whit whether the Service
or the AsyncTask
or the MyOtherReallyCoolClass
is the one actually talking to AlarmManager
-- the component that is rescheduling the Service
is the Service