




I was using HashMap before like

   public Map<SocketChannel, UserProfile> clients = new HashMap<SocketChannel, UserProfile>();

now I've switched to ConcurrentHashMap to avoid synchronized blocks and now i'm experiencing problems my server is heavily loaded with 200-400 concurrent clients every second which is expected to grow over time.

which now looks like this

public ConcurrentHashMap<SocketChannel, UserProfile> clients = new ConcurrentHashMap<SocketChannel, UserProfile>();

My server design works like this. I have a worker thread(s) for processing huge amounts of packets. Each packet is checked with a packetHandler sub-routine (not part of thread) pretty much any client can call it at anytime it's almost like static but it isn't.

My whole server is mostly single threaded except for the packet processing portion.

Anyways so when someone uses a command like count up all clients online and get some information from them.

It is also possible that clients can get disconnected and removed from ConcurrentHashMap while the counting is in progress (which causes my problems).

Also I'd like to add some code here.

                int txtGirls=0;
                int vidGirls=0;
                int txtBoys=0;
                int vidBoys=0;
                Iterator i = clients.values().iterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    UserProfile person = (UserProfile);
                    if(person != null) {
                        if(person.getChatType()) {
                            else //<-- crash occurs here.
                        } else if(!person.getChatType()) {

I mean of course i'm going to fix it by adding a try-catch Exception inside the Iterator to skip these null clients.

But what I don't understand if it checks above if(person != null) shouldn't the code nested automatically works..

if it doesn't means it got removed while it was iterating which should be impossible since it's thread safe wtf?

What should I do? or is try-catch Exception the best way?

Here is the exception

    at Server.processPackets(

The processPackets contains the code above. and the comment indicates the line count #

Thanks for enlightening me.

+1  A: 

You may find that you can't have the map get modified while you are iterating through it. If that is the case you may want to get the values and keys in a separate collection and iterate through that, as it will be immutable.

It won't be perfect, but the other option is to extend ConcurrentHashMap and when something is added or removed you update these four variables, so you don't have to iterate through the entire list each time, as that seems to be a waste of cpu cycles.

Here are a couple of links that may be useful:

This one talks a bit about the fact that the improved concurrency is because of relaxing of some promises.

memory consistency properties explained:

James Black
true.. i am wasting alot of cpu cycles but overriding the CocurrentHashMap seems too much trouble since this is just one command.. and many more commands to follow which do similar things.
Hey James can I be sure on one thing 100%? if the UserProfile class which is assigned to every client is copied to a new collection which i will iterate if the CocurrentHashMap removes that UserProfile isn't the reference (pointer?) the same? meaning both will get removed? can you clear that up for me.
+10  A: 

You need to read the javadocs for the ConcurrentHashMap.values() method, paying special attention to this description of how the iterator for the values() collection works:

"The view's iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator that will never throw ConcurrentModificationException, and guarantees to traverse elements as they existed upon construction of the iterator, and may (but is not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications subsequent to construction."

The iterator does not give you a consistent snapshot of the state of the values collection, but it is thread-safe, and the expected range of behaviours is clearly specified.

If you want a Map implementation that gives you a consistent snapshot of the values (or keys, or entries) in the map AND allows you to iterate concurrently with modifications, you will probably need to create a custom Map wrapper class (that copies the collections atomically) ... or a full-blown custom Map implementation. Both are likely to be a lot slower than a ConcurrentHashMap for your use-case.

Stephen C
Thanks someone had to dumb it down for me as I am a simple man. But I don't understand if the values collection keeps same while iterating and it cannot hold null's why do I get the nullpointerexception? it's a reference problem then huh.. so these references are linked like addresses to same class. Other then expending on CocurrentHashMap what? atomically you mean like native copy method? nevermind i found it Package java.util.concurrent.atomic
By "atomic", I mean as a single uninterruptible action; see BTW, in Java there is no such thing as an (atomic) native copy method. The only ways to guarantee atomicity in Java are using primitive or `java.util.concurrent.*` locking, or using `volatile`. Both approaches have caveats.
Stephen C
@SSpoke - if the NPE occurred at exactly the point you indicated, it is probably not because of a `null` returned by the iterator. More likely, `person.getGender()` has returned `null`.
Stephen C
Okay it's getGender(). I've overlooked that the gender doesn't get constructed with the class but it comes in a second later from a response packet since could be that delay which caused the null.
I'd like to ask the final question I seem to now get the impression that I cannot modify such as using put/remove? while I am iterating the ConcurrentHashMap? at any location? if thats true does it just skip the code? that uses put/remove or sets a block? either are pretty bad but hopefully it blocks.. i'd setup tests but maybe you guys can give me the answer quicker
Oh well i guess you abandoned this topic. Seems like you got the most votes i'll just accept your answer.
@SSpoke - (I didn't abandon the topic, but I do have other things happening in my life.) You **can** modify the map while iterating. However, you may or may not **observe the results of the modifications** in the concurrent iteration. That's what the javadoc says.
Stephen C
Alright mate thanks for everything I really appreciate it. I ended up using a static counter which adds++ to which ever a tboy/tgirl/vboy/vgirl then at connection clean up removes based on their gender/camType etc after 24 hours of running the counters are totally screwed up some even in the negatives haha but alright i'll figure it out
+1  A: 

I don't see anything wrong with your code. Because it's unlikely that the crash actually occurs at the else, it's likely that the getGender() method is returning null.

Steve Emmerson
Yeah thats it.. but thats because person is null.. seems like i will go with the idea of copying the values into the collections? idk if that will solve it?
@SSpoke it is not possible in your code for `person.getChatType()` to not dereference null and then `person.getGender()` to dereference null. I think you are misinterpreting your NullPointerException.
Jacob Tomaw
You are correct Jacob and Steve
+2  A: 

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap does not allow null value. So, null check(person != null) in your code is unnecessary.

If you want to deny modification of Map while iteration, you must use synchronization block in above code and all modification operation codes.

Thanks for that i'll remove it (hopefully you are not saying disinformation, sorry for being rude). But thanks to you guys I learn a new trick everyday!
@SSpoke The JavaDoc makes it clear that @heekyu is not saying disinformation.
Jacob Tomaw