





I'm currently switching from rdoc to yard for my ruby software documentaion.

In my doc I often reference some classes/modules from the comments, for instance :

## == Provides various utility features
## == Features
## Logging : logging is provided by the Mysoft::Mypackage::Utility::Logger class

Rdoc correctly creates a link to the Mysoft::Mypackage::Utility::Logger class documentation page, while yard ignores the tag and considers the class name as simple string.

I know that yard has the @see tag, however this will create a separate "See Also" section in the documentation, while I need to reference the class/modules with inside my description text.

I'm surely missing something, but if you have any examples on how this should be done with yard, I'd realy appreciate.

Thanks per advace,


+1  A: 

Quoth the documentation:

YARD supports a special syntax to link to other code objects or files. The syntax is {ObjectName#method OPTIONAL_TITLE}. This syntax is acceptable anywhere in documentation with the exception of the @see tag, which automatically links its data.

So, you want

## == Provides various utility features
## == Features
## Logging: logging is provided by the {Mysoft::Mypackage::Utility::Logger} class
Jörg W Mittag
Thank you ! Did you dig in the code for this or have you a better reference doc then http://rubydoc.info/docs/yard/file/docs/GettingStarted.md ?
@user294801: Lucky find.
Jörg W Mittag