
Is there a Ruby documentation tool that allows inclusion of diagrams and images?

I am a big fan of Doxygen which I have used for years with various languages. In particular, I appreciate its wiki-like ability to include images and run the Graphviz dot generator to have arbitrary inline diagrams from inline DOT code or external files. RDoc has diagramming support to generate class diagrams using Graphviz but I can't ...

How do I create an arbitrary link in YARD documentation?

I'm trying to create some links in my YARD documentation. I can get an HTTP link: # I like {http://stackoverflow.com Stackoverflow} renders as <p>I like <a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;Stackoverflow&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt; But an email link: # You can email the {mailto:[email protected] bugs} list gives me a warning: [warn]...

Limitations of PEG grammar & parser generators?

I was enjoying using YARD a lot: http://www.ootl.org/yard/ http://code.google.com/p/yardparser/ http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/yard-tokenizer.aspx I was able to construct fully functional calculator. I'm evaluating YARD to do PHP parser. Please kindly advise on limitations of PEG grammar & parser generators. Thank you very muc...

How can I document implicit methods inside of rails models?

I'm using YARD on my Rails project and was wondering how I would go about documenting inherited/runtime methods on a Rails model? For instance documenting the existence of a first_name attribute on a User model. ...

How to rebuild rdoc for all the installed gems?

I have several gems installed in multiple locations. What is the hard/easy way to generate/re-generate: rdoc for all these installed gems, all at once? yardoc for all these installed gems, all at once? ...

Yard is not the same as Rdoc?

Correct me if I'm wrong, is Yard not the same as Rdoc? It's not based on Rdoc but a total rewrite? So if I'm using Yard, I don't have to bother with Rdoc right? ...

How do you examine the source code?

How do you examine the source code for a library you are using and want to modify. Eg. when you have downloaded a gem, I guess that you are forking the repo from GitHub and then cloning your forked repo. So now you have: the local repo's source code (which you open with IDE/text editor) the source code on GitHub (which you browse onl...

yard and links to classes/modules in the doc

Hi, I'm currently switching from rdoc to yard for my ruby software documentaion. In my doc I often reference some classes/modules from the comments, for instance : ## == Provides various utility features ## ## == Features ## ## Logging : logging is provided by the Mysoft::Mypackage::Utility::Logger class ## Rdoc correctly creates a...

How to generate documentation with Yard for Rails views?

I have just started using Yard to generate my docs and whilst it works great for my models and controllers, I can't seem to get it to generate anything for the views I've tried a variety of different ways to get it to work. Currently I've set up a rake task to generate the docs that looks something like this YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new...