



When I try to put final in method parameter eclipse doesn't help. Any idea how to get this to work?

final in method parameter

+2  A: 

I don't think this is possible.

The closest thing to this is to set a "save action" which will automatically add final modifiers to method parameters when you save the file.

Preferences > Java > Editor > Save Actions
Excellent feature. This is more useful than content assist.

Java makes a copy of the parameters, the final parameter in this case doesn't do anything, it doesn't help you access it through an inner/anonymous class. Is there a reason you want it?

It keeps you from accidentally re-assigning it. But in that case, I would recommend just turning on the relevant warning instead.
+2  A: 

Assuming that you are complaining about the Eclipse Java editor's completion behavior, I don't think there's anything you can do about it.

If it really worries you, create a bug report on the relevant Eclipse component. Better still, create and submit a patch that fixes the problem.


I had a trawl through the Eclipse JDT open bugs/issues, and there are various issues related to final in various contexts, though not specifically this one (as far as I can see). It is also worth noting that there are a LOT of open JDT issues ... so an issue with a viable patch is much more likely to receive attention.

Stephen C
It should worry everyone, shdn't it? But the answer fahd is pretty cool!
@fastcodejava - *"It should worry everyone, shdn't it?"* - Why? This is clearly little more than a minor inconvenience. *"But the answer fahd is pretty cool!"* - That depends if you like the idea of the editor rewriting your code without giving you a chance to see what it has just done. I personally dislike that kind of thing.
Stephen C
Eclipse should have this.
@javaguy - that's your opinion. In my opinion (and I guess the JDT developers) it is a minor issue. If you really want/need this functionality, develop a patch and submit it.
Stephen C
+4  A: 

This probably will be as close as you can get to it. It would be a lot of work to do this for every keyword, but since there is only so many of them it's possible. You could probably take it a step further and just write a template for your methods.

  1. Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates

  2. New > Name (alias)

  3. Pattern: "final "

alt text

alt text
