



I want to implement an application that provides support for MDX queries. For this purpose I would like to use one of libraries from pentaho mondrian (an open source OLTP server with the MDX interface) that transforms MDX queries into SQL of underlining database (based on a xml description), unfortunately I can not find any information which libraries I need to include -- and how to use them -- in my project to have MDX to SQL mapping working.

Does anybody have some experience in reusing mondrian components in her/his application?

+1  A: 

Hi Skarab, I recommend downloading the latest 3.2.0 build of Mondrian, it is distributed with all of its dependencies. Also included in the distribution is an ivy file which describes its dependencies.

Latest Release:

Documentation can be found on Pentaho's Website as well. Good luck!

Will Gorman
Could you write me which libs should I include in my project to use the transformation mechanism?

Olap4j is part of pentaho mondrian now . Perhaps you can find information into olap4j API ?

On this page i see :

org.olap4j.mdx.parser : Parser for the MDX query language.

olap4j is an open Java API for OLAP.

Think of it like JDBC, but for accessing multi-dimensional data.

olap4j is designed to be a common API for any OLAP server, so you can write an application on one OLAP server and easily switch it to another. And built on that API, there will be a growing collection of tools and components.
