



I am new to OpenGL / JOGL. I am able to hardcore a texture onto a polygon, and I am correctly drawing polygons specified in .obj files. I now want to draw the materials/textures specified in those .obj files, but I'm not quite sure what to do.

For example, I downloaded this gazebo. The download contains a single .obj file. From that file:

g gazebo colonne Cilindro8
usemtl Nuovo
v -75.941025 -96.399765 167.927612
v -75.941025 -11.561661 167.927612
v -74.18103 -94.604233 167.927612
v -74.18103 -94.604233 167.927612
v -73.898544 -12.541035 167.927612
v -73.898544 -12.541035 167.927612
v -74.267166 -94.604233 167.383743

How do I know what Nuovo is? Is there supposed to be a nuovo.mtl file?

I also downloaded another file:

usemtl black_roof
s off
f 1775/1/1 1778/2/1 1779/3/1 1777/4/1
f 1777/5/1 1779/6/1 1780/7/1 1774/8/1
f 1776/5/2 1782/6/2 1781/9/2 1773/10/2
f 1772/11/2 1783/12/2 1782/13/2 1776/14/2
f 1773/15/3 1781/16/3 1778/17/3 1775/18/3
f 1774/19/4 1780/20/4 1783/21/4 1772/22/4
f 1782/23/5 1779/24/5 1778/25/5 1781/26/5
f 1783/27/6 1780/28/6 1779/29/6 1782/30/6
usemtl black_roof_bricks.png
f 6102/31/7 6098/32/7 6094/33/7 6090/34/7
f 6095/33/7 6099/32/7 6103/31/7 6091/34/7
f 6096/33/8 6100/32/8 6104/31/8 6092/34/8
f 6105/31/8 6101/32/8 6097/33/8 6093/34/8
f 6106/35/9 6088/36/9 6090/37/9 6094/38/9
f 6091/37/10 6089/36/10 6107/35/10 6095/38/10

The download includes a .obj and .png files, but no black_roof or black_roof_bricks.png. Am I missing something, or are these models deficient?


From the first link:


Only cinema4dR10 has materials If you like the model please rate it

So yes, I'd assume they are not complete.

Oh, meaning that the Cinema4D has the models built in? That's unfortunate.