




I am a Chinese Java programmer and I want to improve my English.

Of course, java is my job. I am also interested in ruby, lisp and others...

I want to create a blog in English and a forum to exchange with other programmers.

Can you give me some suggestions? Thank you.

+2  A: 

There is a very large number of programming-related online communities - far too many to list here.

Stack Overflow is certainly a very important one. Some others:

  • Hacker News (general news about programming and technology startups)
  • JavaRanch (popular community for Java programming)
  • Java.net forums (Cover many specific Java-related technologies)

To be honest, It looks like your English is not yet good enough to start writing a blog of your own right now. It would be better to try and improve it by participating in discussions in such communities and forums as a regular member for a while.

Michael Borgwardt
+2  A: 

Create a blogger.com account and start writing about the topics that interest you. Tweet about your blogposts on Twitter and start answering questions on this site. Update your SO profile with your blog and twitter info. And start building reputation here.
