




how indirect jump related with interface calls? i am preparing for a paper presentation "dynamic predication of indirect jumps". "indirect branches are used in implementaion of programming language construct such as switch case,jump table and interface call".what is exactly interface call?how related with indirect jump?


I'm not sure what you're looking for, but this came to mind:

An indirect jump ( or a "computed jump" sometimes) is, basically, when you're going to jump to the address pointed to by a register. As opposed to a jump to an immediate memory location.

For example: jmp [eax]

In x86 notation. Similarly, you can call on a register as well.

If your program uses dynamic loading, like LoadLibrary()/GetProcAddress() (on Windows), you will typically store the address of the function you looked up in a register (like eax) and the compiled program would use an indirect jump/call.

-- More information would, of course, be helpful to understand what exactly you're looking for and the amount of detail you need.
