I am trying to implement internationalization in Tomcat. There are going to be different resource text files. My idea is to load all the resources in to the memory while tomcat loads. Below is the sample code to load multiple resource in to the memory.
public class ResourceBundleLoader {
private static ResourceBundle enResourceBundle;
private static ResourceBundle frResourceBundle;
public static void loadBundle(){
Locale enLocale = new Locale("en", "US");
enResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessagesBundle",enLocale);
enLocale = new Locale("fr", "FR");
frResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessagesBundle",enLocale);
public static ResourceBundle getEnResourceBundle(){
return enResourceBundle;
public static ResourceBundle getFrResourceBundle(){
return frResourceBundle;
The method loadBundle is called once thru startup servlet. And getEnResourceBundle() and getFrResourceBundle() is called accordingly. Is this right way to implement/maintain internationalization in tomcat? or is there any better way?
Thanks in advance.