Using Hibernate how would you design and implement a search criteria page (which has multiple editable/selectable fields/drop-downs as search criteria) such that queries shouldn't clutter data accessor code. I mean no query-string concatenation based on conditionals and ultimately all the queries should go in a separate xml file. I've done such an implementation using IBatis's dynamic queries. Couldn't find such thing in Hibernate so I started thinking what would be the elegant way to implement dynamic criteria based page in hibernate.
Sounds like you are looking for, unsurprisingly, the Criteria
I second Affe's suggestion, the Criteria API is exactly what you're looking for and is recommended when dealing with dynamic queries. This is very nicely illustrated in Hibernate Querying 102 : Criteria API that I'm quoting below:
Using the Hibernate Criteria API
The Hibernate Criteria API provides an elegant way of building on-the-fly dynamic queries on Hibernate-persisted databases. Using this technique, the previous 24-line example can be coded more consicely and more clearly using a mere 8 lines of code :
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Sale.class); if (startDate != null) { criteria.add("date",startDate); } if (endDate != null) { criteria.add(Expression.le("date",endDate); } List results = criteria.list();
Let's have a look at the use of the Hibernate Criteria API in more detail.
The code shown in the article speaks for itself, just have a look.
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as I had the same issue, I developed a Generic Dao class that allows dynamically(using reflection) to create the criteria based on the values assigned to the object and query the database
Country country = new Country();
// these values lets say they were assigned on your servlet based on the user post
// This is where your service layer starts. It gets as a param the Country object
GenericDaoDB gDaoDB = new GenericDaoDB();
List resultList = gDaoDB.list(country);
System.out.println("=========Result Print==============");
for(int i=0; i<resultList.size();i++){
Country resultCountry = (Country)resultList.get(i);
System.out.println("Name:"+ resultCountry.getName()+" Country Code:"+resultCountry.getCountryCode());
}catch(BasisException e){
If you like have a look on where you can find more details and the example project.
And as it is a generic class you can use it for all your Pojos