



I'm trying to code an error dialog, and I want it to call the proper system-specified sound. Is there any way to access system sounds from Java (i.e. Startup sound, default beep, asterisk, critical stop, etc.)?

Note: I know about java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();

+1  A: 

I assume you are talking about windows system sounds? My mac doesn't have a "critical stop" noise. ;-)

You'll need to find the proper filesystem path to those sound files. I assume they are wav files so something like this should work:

new JavaSoundAudioClip(new FileInputStream(new File("/tmp/go.wav"))).play();

The file may have a path such as:

C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Microsoft Office 2000\EXPLODE.WAV

NOTE: This will return immediately although the sound has been "queued" to the audio device. You can call stop() if you need to stop it.

If you need to do something more special take a look at this Java forum. Here's some documentation which breaks down how to use the audio system more directly.

I was hoping for a more universal/cross-platform approach
Oh, then find the sound files somewhere and include them in your jar/war. Each operating systems has vastly different sounds (or none) and Java does not, as far as I know, provide a standard mechanism for triggering them.
Java can't read sound files from within a jar