



So I have two separate views in a WPF Prism app. How can I inject the same instance of a viewmodel into both the views via Depencency Injection?

+1  A: 

(I assume you are using Unity as you mentioned DI directly and are not saying "Import" or similar)


You will have to register the ViewModel as a singleton (using a ContainerControlledLifetimeManager) in the container and have it injected as usual. This ensures that you will get the same instance whenever you request for it. A valid approach in this scenario might be to use a named registration in case you want to get the same VM injected elsewhere, but you don't need the same instance.

This article explains how to do this.

Damian Schenkelman
Many thanks. Actually the ExternallyControlledLifetimeManager was what I really needed. You sent me in the right direction.