Is there a feasible way to get my own code run whenever any class is loaded in Java, without forcing the user explicitly and manually loading all classes with a custom classloader?
Without going too much into the details, whenever a class implementing a certain interface read its annotation that links it with another class, and give the pair to a third class.
Edit: Heck, I'll go to details: I'm doing an event handling library. What I'm doing is having the client code do their own Listener / Event pairs, which need to be registered with my library as a pair. (hm, that wasn't that long after all).
Further Edit: Currently the client code needs to register the pair of classes/interfaces manually, which works pretty well. My intent is to automate this away, and I thought that linking the two classes with annotations would help. Next, I want to get rid of the client code needing to keeping the list of registrations up to date always.
PS: The static block won't do, since my interface is bundled into a library, and the client code will create further interfaces. Thus, abstract classes won't do either, since it must be an interface.