Hi all,
I'm new to Java WEB Development please help with this !!
my link in the action-servlet is
i got a new user registration page and i have given an action for the log in button..
but if i click the button its redirecting to this page ..
please help and thank you for your time and kindness !!
here's my code
for userSignUp.action - controller is LoginController and the jsp has login and password text fields and a submit button.
on click of that button userHome.action is called..
and here's my code
<bean id="handlerMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="/api/Logout.action">LogoutController</prop>
<prop key="/secure/userSignUp.action">LoginController</prop>
<prop key="/a/userHome.action">userHomeController</prop>
and for the bean id i'm posting a controller
<bean id="userHomeController" class="com.ghg.web.controller.UserHomeController" autowire="byName"/>
and in that controller
public final ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
log.debug("-- At User Home Controller --");
return new ModelAndView("/user/userHome.jsp");
in userHome.jsp there's no code just a plain html text