



I have a number of files that I checked into SVN without having set up their Mime types correctly. SVN initially classified them as binary.

I've since set their Mime type in SVN via propset to "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" and I'vc made sure that all the files are UTF-8 signed. When I do 'svn blame filename', svn says that the file is binary and does not give me explicit blame-type output.

Any suggestions on how to persuade SVN that these are truly text files?

+3  A: 

Have you tried setting the svn:mime-type property to just "text/plain" instead of "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" ?

Also, you can force Subversion to treat a file as text when blaming:

svn blame file/to/blame --force
Thank you. The --force flag did what I needed. I also tried only using "text/plain," but that didn't change it.

This answer has the same idea, but in reverse. The citations therein are still relevant to your query.

Eddie Parker
Yeah, I tried that in reverse, setting the property to text/plain. Didn't seem to work.