


+3  Q: 

mpirun on os X

Is there a way to run a local mpi job locally on os X leopard(10.5.6) with more than 62 processes. When I run the job with 62 processes, it dies

$mpirun -np 62 a.out 
mpirun noticed that job rank 0 with PID 0 on node Macintosh-001D4F4BC6BC.private exited on signal 15 (Terminated). 
60 additional processes aborted (not shown)

and when I run it with 61 processes it runs fine.

+2  A: 

In response to my comment, I did some googling and I suspect that this is caused by a resource limit set by the OS. Also, the vicinity of the failure to a multiple 2 is suspicious. My best guess is that something in the mpi library (MPI_Send maybe) is spawning additional processes, which exceed the limit of 266 (see ulimit -a).

Dana the Sane
Looks to be correct. I set the "ulimit -n 500" and that fixed it.
Thanks, that's useful to know for my own work.
Dana the Sane