Do you know what the advantage of from other technology?
You'll need to be WAY more specific. ASP.NET vs. what? J2EE, PHP, straight HTML, Perl, Ruby on Rails, plain vanilla ASP ... the list goes on and on.
It is slower than CPP,
Not as stable as Java,
Does not work properly on Linux/unix Servers like PHP,
Has not the amount of libraries/Extensions as Perl,
It's Silverlight is not as cross-platform,widely spread as Flash.
I really like the Syntax tough! And VS is a great tool/Development environment
Web development is pretty language-agnostic. Any language can output the HTML required to display a web application - a site like SO or could be written in PHP, Ruby, C++, ASP.NET, Java etc.
Your big advantage to ASP.NET will be if you're already working with the Microsoft stack. If you're already running web servers on Windows Server, ASP's going to be a good choice. If you already know Visual Studio, ASP's going to be a good choice.
If you're a PHP shop with Linux servers, ASP's going to be unpleasant.
It's debatable, but the biggest "advantage" of ASP.NET over other server side web technologies is the rich eventing and control model with Web Forms. Most other current technologies (PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.) don't have this type of abstraction layer. This makes it relatively easy for people to create web applications using the same metaphors (controls and events, etc.) that they are used to when doing Windows programming.
That said, many people view the Web Forms model as overly abstracted and too heavy, which is why ASP.NET MVC was born. So from that perspective, it can also be seen as a disadvantage. It just depends on your personal perspective.