




Hi, I am pretty much a beginner java programmer. do you think the book Java Puzzlers is a good read for learning and inspiration?.

Any other books you recommend for java beginners would be great.

+10  A: 

I would reccomend Head First Java.

I love the Head First series.
O'Reilly are doing a series of articles on book publishing. They said that the Head First series (specifically the Design Patterns book) are very very strong sellers indeed.
+9  A: 

Java Puzzlers is a good book and recommended at some point.

In practice it deals with edge cases that you probably won't come up against. If you try and read it from cover to cover it'll be like eating a large box of chocolates at one go... everything in the book is great but by the end you will feel pretty sick!

You should consider Effective Java as well. It deals with many of the idioms that you will need in day to day programming. Concentrate initially on the chapters that deal with hashcodes, equals methods and comparable - they are the cornerstones of using collections.

Learn the Collections API - it is one of the biggest strengths of Java.

+11  A: 

No, I would not recommend it in your case. Java Puzzlers is very much about learning the subtle weird details of Java, not at all a beginners book.

Fabian Steeg
+3  A: 

Hi, I am pretty much a beginner java programmer. do you think the book Java Puzzlers is a good read for learning and inspiration?.

Absolutely not.

The Puzzlers book is full of obscure corner cases of the language that most people don't deal with in day to day. You need a good grasp of the language syntax and binary/hexadecimal arithmetic to even get started.

Its an interesting read for experienced programmers but I think it would just frustrate you.

I would instead second the recommendation for the excellent Head First series of books.

+3  A: 

Effective Java is a must read (but not for a beginner either). Read that before you read the Puzzlers book.

What other languages do you know (I know you said pretty much a beginner, but even if you know something in another language...)? The answer to that question will greatly influence the list of suggested books.

+1  A: 

For a beginner (to intermediate) programmer, I'd recommend Java Programming Language by Gosling.

+1  A: 

I don't think it's good for a beginner. But why don't you watch the Java Puzzlers video, or read the sampler and decide for yourself.

+1 for the video reference. Watched myself too and loved it.
+2  A: 

Yes, it won't do any harm if you have it on your bookshelf.

In addition you should get Effective Java. You'll need these two books sooner or later. Whether you buy them now, in 3 months or in a year, it's the same.
