



Am trying to install Eclipse UML2Tools plugin, in Rational Business Developer 7.5.1

Most compatible version seems UML2Tools 0.8.0 - but am unable to get it working.

I could not get UML2Tools working by neither from the local update site mechanism, nor by placing it in dropins folder.

One of the error reported when updating using local site was:

Cannot find a solution where both Match[requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.emf/[2.4.0.v200806091234,2.4.0.v200806091234]] and Match[requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.emf/[2.4.0.v200808251517,2.4.0.v200808251517]] can be satisfied.

Then I forced UML2Tools in RBD 7.5.1, by placing in its features and plugins folder. This got it working, but on trying class diagram -- the diagram generated had large shapes, was laid out incorrectly, and classes were not connected.

What can be done to get UML2Tools working in RBD 7.5.1?


Ted Johnson