+1  A: 


Linq to entities doesn't support Foreign Keys which don't point to the primary key of a table (see log message 3). Linq to entities will treat it as a normal field on a table. You won't be able to navigate to the entity it's linked to.

If you have an existing schema i'd recommend using the edm generator as this will create the EMDX file, code behind and even the view code (which can be very large). If your existing scheme is quite large Check out this post, which explains how to deal with large schemas.

When you run the EDM Generator you'll find out all the things that are not supported.

Looking at a previous EDMGen2.exe log we got the following types of messages back:

  1. The data type 'sql_variant' is not
    supported, the column 'ColumnName' in table 'TableName' was excluded.
  2. The table/view 'tableName' does not have a primary key defined. The key has been inferred and the definition was created as a read-only table/view
  3. The relationship 'RelationshipName' has columns that are not part of the key of the table on the primary side of the relationship which is not supported, the relationship was excluded.

We've also found that the Linq project actually crashed Visual Studio quite alot as the code file produced by EDM was well over 80 mb.


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