
Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint?

Using MSSQL2005, Can I truncate a table with a foreign key constraint if I first truncate the child table(the table with the primary key of the FK relationship)? I know I can use a DELETE without a where clause and then RESEED the identity OR Remove the FK, truncate and recreate but I thought as long as you truncate the child table you...

Is there a performance hit by added nonenforced foreign keys to a SQL Server 2008 database?

I'm working with a database and I want to start using LINQ To SQL with it. The database doesn't have any FKs inside of it right now for performance reasons. We are inserting millions of rows at a time to the DB which is why there aren't any FKs. So I'm thinking I'm going to add nonenforced FKs to the database to describe the relationshi...

SQL Server 2005: Nullable Foreign Key Constraint

I have a foreign key constraint between tables Sessions and Users. Specifically, Sessions.UID = Users.ID. Sometimes, I want Sessions.UID to be null. Can this be allowed? Any time I try to do this, I get an FK Constraint Violation. Specifically, I'm inserting a row into Sessions via LINQ. I set the Session.User = null; and I get this err...

How to handle "secondary" keys in Entity Framework

I'm evaluating using EF against an existing schema - the problem is that I can't work out how to set up associations between tables where the foreign key is NOT the primary key of the master table. As an example, a "foo" may have many "bars" is defined like this (forgive the pseudocode) table foo { int foo_id pk, char(10) foo_code...

Oracle: FK on union of two tables?

I have a situation which (simplified) looks like this: Table UNITS has a PK on UNITS.NAME. (unit name, varchar(12)) Table DEPTS has a PK on DEPTS.NAME. (dept name, varchar(12)) I want to create a table with column UNIT_NAME_OR_DEPT_NAME, with the requirement that data in this column must be either a valid unit name or a valid departmen...

DBA Question: Best way to use FK's

What and when is the best way to use FK's without geting FK "redundancy". Let's say that i have three tables Account, Category and Product. 1: Table Account Definition: Id, Primary BigInt Name, Varchar 2: Table Category Definition: Id, Primary BigInt AccountId, BigInt ForeignKey Name, Varchar 3: Table Product Definition: ...

Entity Framework - How do I join tables on non-primary key columns in secondary tables?

I want to join 2 tables using entity framework. I want the join to the second table to be on a non-primary key column. e.g. I have a table Foo with fields Foo.Id (PK) Foo.DbValue and table Bar Bar.Id (PK) Bar.DbValue Bar.Description And I want to join Foo to Bar in EF on the DbValue field. In hibernate/nhibernate one can do this...

SQL design advice: One FK column, many tables to refernce

I have a situation where I have a table that has a soft foreign key to link records in the table to one of many other tables depending on another value in the table. To demonstrate: TableOfTables: Id, TableName HistoryTable: Id, TableOfTableId, NumberedTableId, etc... Table1: Id, etc... Table2: Id, etc... Table3: Id, etc... TableOf...