I have a bit of simple created with XAJAX, which replaces the innner HTML of a select control with some options created by a php script.
This is fine and dandy in Firefox, but it does not work in IE7.
Looking on the XAJAX forums i found this which basically says " doesnt really work in IE, use a div and replace the inner HTML of that with the full select statement"
Did this, and it's fine, except that i had a jQuery selector working on the select control, which now no longer works.
Anyone got any ideas, or can anyone point me to a good jQuery example of how to do the ajax bit using jQuery, so I can ditch the XAJAX altogether?
<div id=imgselect>
<select id="images">
<option value="">Then select an image</option>
Picture Preview:<br><br>
<div class="img-preview" id='preview'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var image = $(this).val();
var img = $('<img/>').attr('src', image);
document.getElementById('picsmall').value = image;
The problem comes when the contents of the imgselect
is replaced by the AJAX call