



I'm new to mac os x. In the Windows XP world, there are packages available, like easyPHP, wampserver, uniformserver, that enable you to have a local webserver complete with php, mysql configured via an automatic installer. Really handy.

I need the same on my new mac. I know mac os x comes with a local webserver. Is this already with php, mysql preinstalled?

I'd like to have you guys advise on the easiest way to have this local lamp so that i can continue developing on this nice and shiny machine.


+1  A: 

OS X comes with php and apache installed already. It doesn't have mysql installed by default, but you can easily download the Mac OS X version from the mysql website in either the tarball version or a package version.

Jason Coco
As a side note, OS X also comes with Perl, Python, and Ruby if you want to do web development with another scripting language. It doesn't come with a C compiler or a make program, but if you install the (free) developer's tools you'll get GCC and GNU Make, which you'll need to install MySQL.
Chris Lutz
It comes with a full rails setup too (in 10.5)... and I'd say it does "come with" the compiler, it's just not installed by default :)
Jason Coco

Mac OS X is -- essentially -- Linux.

Mac OS X already contains Apache. Turn on file sharing and you'll turn on Apache.

You'll need to download and install MySQL for Mac OS X.

You'll need to edit the httpd.conf to enable mod_apache.

+2  A: 

Question : What means LAMP ?

Answer : Linux Apache MySQL PHP

Q: and if this was running on a Mac ?

A : try MAMP

Great call. MAMP was exactly what i was searching for. it even allows to use the 80 port so the built-in apache does not get in the way.

XAMPP is also an excellent choice
