I am getting a wrong eigen-vector (also checked by running multiple times to be sure) when i am using matrix.eig()
. The matrix is:
1.2290 1.2168 2.8760 2.6370 2.2949 2.6402
1.2168 0.9476 2.5179 2.1737 1.9795 2.2828
2.8760 2.5179 8.8114 8.6530 7.3910 8.1058
2.6370 2.1737 8.6530 7.6366 6.9503 7.6743
2.2949 1.9795 7.3910 6.9503 6.2722 7.3441
2.6402 2.2828 8.1058 7.6743 7.3441 7.6870
The function returns the eigen vectors:
-0.1698 0.6764 0.1442 -0.6929 -0.1069 0.0365
-0.1460 0.6478 0.1926 0.6898 0.0483 -0.2094
-0.5239 0.0780 -0.5236 0.1621 -0.2244 0.6072
-0.4906 -0.0758 -0.4573 -0.1279 0.2842 -0.6688
-0.4428 -0.2770 0.4307 0.0226 -0.6959 -0.2383
-0.4884 -0.1852 0.5228 -0.0312 0.6089 0.2865
Matlab gives the following eigen-vector for the same input:
0.1698 -0.6762 -0.1439 0.6931 0.1069 0.0365
0.1460 -0.6481 -0.1926 -0.6895 -0.0483 -0.2094
0.5237 -0.0780 0.5233 -0.1622 0.2238 0.6077
0.4907 0.0758 0.4577 0.1278 -0.2840 -0.6686
0.4425 0.2766 -0.4298 -0.0227 0.6968 -0.2384
0.4888 0.1854 -0.5236 0.0313 -0.6082 0.2857
The eigen-values for matlab and jama are matching but eigen-vectors the first 5 columns are reversed in sign and only the last column is accurate.
Is there any issue on the kind of input that Jama.Matrix.EigenvalueDecomposition.eig()
accepts or any other problem with the same? Please tell me how i can fix the error. Thanks in advance.