




how do I get the value of X, Y, and Z from a string "vt X,Y,Z"

+6  A: 

As long as the format stays simple like that, I'd use

String s = "vt X, Y, Z";
String[] values = s.split("[ ,]+");
String x = values[1];
String y = values[2];
String z = values[3];

If the format has more flexibility, you'll want to look into using either a regular expression (the Pattern class) or creating a parser for it using something like ANTLR

Scott Stanchfield
Will it work with Z? Z doesn't have a , after it.
Yes William, that will work with Z... the split method takes a regex, and "[ ,]+" means "one or more, spaces OR commas" So any sequence of spaces and commas will be split on.

Regular expressions could be used for this easily, as long as your format stayed consistent in terms of whitespace and comma delimiters.

Jason Coyne
+4  A: 

I'd probably opt for a regular expression (assuming X, Y, and Z are ints):

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("vt ([0-9]+),\\s*([0-9]+),\\s*([0-9]+)");
Matcher m = p.match(line);
if (!m.matches())
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input: " + line);
int x = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
int y = Integer.parseInt(m.group(2));
int z = Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));

This gives you better handling of invalid input than a simple split on the comma delimiter.

([0-9]+) if you want to support numbers with more than one digit