Hello everybody.
I am writing a website using JSP, JSTL, Servlets and JavaBeans.
At one point of my code, I am trying to use an ArrayList of objects, and a strange thing is happening: when I add the first object it is fine, and when I add a second object it adds it in the second place, but the object at index(0) gets the same values as the object at index(1).
Maybe a problem is in the
ArrayList<Article> articleList = new ArrayList<Article>();
Article newArticle = new Article();
Since articleList is ArrayList of Article class.
Can somebody point me to what I am doing wrong?
Below is my code:
public ArrayList<Article> getArticles()
baseIO mySql = new baseIO();
ArrayList<Article> articleList = new ArrayList<Article>();
int articleId = 0;
String sql =
"select * from jsp_blog_article order by article_id Desc Limit 3";
con = (Connection)mySql.getConnection();
pstmt = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
Article newArticle = new Article();
articleId = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString("article_id"));
catch(Exception e)
return null;
return articleList;
And the Article class
package objects;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class Article implements Serializable{
private String articleName;
private String articleBody;
private String articleAuthor;
private String articleComments;
private String articleDate;
private String articleId;
public Article()
// all the getters and setters in place, but it is too long
// so i am not going to post them in forum