



Hi, I'm using the Maven 2 assembly plug-in to build a jar-with-dependencies and make an executable JAR file. My assembly includes Spring, and the CXF library.

CXF includes copies of META-INF files spring.schemas and spring.handlers which end up clobbering the similar files from the spring-2.5.4 jar.

By hand, I can update those two files within the jar-with-dependencies.

What I'm looking for is some way in the Maven POM to direct the assembly plug-in to get the correct version of those two files.

The assembly plug-in documentation talks about file filtering, but doesn't seem to have configuration for or parameters, without going to the trouble of creating a custom assembly descriptor.

Is making a custom assembly descriptor my only hope in this instance?

+1  A: 

I worked it out, and here are the details:

First, there's no way to specify file includes or excludes if you use the built-in assembly descriptor jar-with-dependencies.

The assembly plug-in documentation gives the sample jar-with-dependencies descriptor here.

I copied and pasted that descriptor to a file in my project directory called exec-jar.xml. Then in the pom, I changed the assembly plug-in to reference that descriptor. Here's the excerpt:


That bit of descriptor binds the assembly to the package phase of the life-cycle, and references the exec-jar.xml descriptor. Doing that package confirmed that the jar was built just as it was with the predefined descriptor.

So then it becomes a matter of modifying exec-jar.xml to exclude the CXF files that conflict with the Spring files. Here is my assembly descriptor that accomplished that:


Now here's the rub. If you do this with the currently released assembly plug-in, version 2.1, it will fail on the tag as "unexpected." The tag is supported in unreleased version 2.2 of the plug-in. Note in my pom file excerpt above, I specify maven-assembly-plugin version 2.2-beta-3 which was the latest at the time of writing.

This successfully built an executable jar, and Spring had all of the handlers and schemas it needed to initialize my app.

+1  A: 

I would suggest using the maven-shade-plugin instead. If you look at the pom for the cxf-bundle ( you can see how you can use the shade transformers to merge the spring.schemas and other necessary files.

Daniel Kulp
This is also described nicely at
Andrew Swan
+1  A: 

You can also work around the problem by getting the spring.schemas and spring.handlers files from the spring distro you want and put them in your projects src/main/resources/META-INF directory. Since those are packaged last, you'll get the version you want. I found the idea here
