



I've seen several questions posted here about recommendations for UML diagramming tools as an alternative to Visio. What I seem to be missing, though, is a good database diagramming tool for OS X. I have done all of my development work in the .NET world for the last few years, and for better or worse Visio has been my go-to tool for database diagramming (as it supports defining columns, keys, relationships, etc.). I've found several completely adequate general-purpose diagramming tools for OSX, but I haven't yet found something suitable for a fairly detailed, exhaustive database diagram.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I need to be able to define columns, keys, and relationships. Indexes and constraints would be a bonus, too.


So far I've tried:

  • Visual Paradigm Community Edition
  • OmniGraffle
  • ConceptDraw

And one or two others that I've since uninstalled and, of course, can't remember!

+2  A: 

In XCode, you can make nice database diagrams with .xcdatamodel files that generate some code for Core Data. I imagine you could just use XCode to do the diagram and not actually generate any code if you wanted to.

Paul Tomblin
I've taken a look at the XCode diagramming tool, and while I'm sure that it's useful for Core Data applications, it doesn't seem to be quite as friendly to traditional pure RDBMS diagramming, at least in my opinion.
Adam Robinson
@Adam, but it is free.
Paul Tomblin
@Paul: Yes, but I'd be willing to pay for something that's closer to what I want before I'd want to use something free that wasn't quite right :)
Adam Robinson
+3  A: 

For MySQL there is MySQL Workbench

This doesn't appear to be available for OSX yet, at least according to the FAQ.
Adam Robinson
5.1 beta and 5.2 alpha there are OSX dmg files available.
Ah, guess they need to update the FAQ to make that clearer :)This solves my issue, though I would prefer something not coupled so tightly with a particular RDBMS. If nobody has any other suggestions, though, this one's the answer.
Adam Robinson

I've also used Power*Architect on Mac OS and Linux, and while it wasn't perfect, it was good enough.

Paul Tomblin

This question was answered, but you should try SQLEditor. It's DB agnostic and it even works with Rails Migrations. It can reverse engineer an existing db, and output SQL for some other variant.

Very interesting. I'll have to take a look!
Adam Robinson