
.NET Firebug like UI assistance

Hi, I am tasked with a project whereby I need to create a scaled down version of a Firebug like UI where the user can load an HTML page, and as they hover the mouse over the elements they'll be highlighted. The app will allow the users to select a table to be screen-scraped....haven't got to that part as yet. Any advice? Thanks ...

Calling .NET COM web service wrapper from Excel

I'm trying to call a web service from Excel 2003 module. The way i've implemented it is creating a .NET COM library with all the classes/methods i need to be exposed. When i try to call a method that queries a web service from Excel the execution just stops on that line without any error. May be it has to do with references? I'm using Mi...

C# .NET 3.0/3.5 features in 2.0 using Visual Studio 2008

What are some of the new features that can be used in .NET 2.0 that are specific to C# 3.0/3.5 after upgrading to Visual Studio 2008? Also, what are some of the features that aren't available? Available Lambdas Extension methods (by declaring an empty System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute) Automatic properties Object init...

conditional logic based on type.

Given: interface I { } class B: I { } class C: I { } class A { public void Method(B arg) { } public void Method(C arg) { } public void Method(I arg) { // THIS is the method I want to simplify. if (I is B) { this.Method(arg as B); } else if (I is C) ...

Right-click to select a datagridview row.

How do you select a datagridview row on a right-click? ...

Example of using Service Exists MSBuild task in Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks?

I'm trying to use the Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks.ServiceProcess.Exists to check whether or not a service exists. There is no example of using it in the documentation though. Anyone have one? ...

Developing a scheduled task for Windows

I have to develop an application using C#.net that has to be run once a day. It only runs for at most one minute, so developing a Windows service is overkill and a scheduled task is the appropriate way. However, I have a few questions about how the application can communicate its results: How do I indicate to the task scheduler that t...

Using Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks.ServiceProcess.ControlService how do I check if a service exists on a remote machine?

I'm trying to check if a service exists on a remote machine using the Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks.ServiceProcess.ControlService task. <ControlService MachineName="$(TargetMachineName)" Action="Exists" ServiceName="w3svc"> <Output PropertyName="W3ServiceExists" TaskParameter="ServiceExists" /> </ControlService> When I use the above task d...

Learning Windows Forms vs. Windows Presentation Foundation

So I've been thinking of going for Microsoft certification and I have to make a choice (for now) between Windows Forms and WPF for developing Windows applications. I have had good exposure to Windows Forms but never tried WPF before. Furthermore, most of the job postings where I live seem to be WinForms-oriented. That might change in the...

What myths have you heard about regarding the .NET Framework?

There are several "myths" about the .NET Framework - some are true, some aren't. I don't want do debate about those myth and what arguments there are to prove their right/wrong-status. I'm just curious about what myths you hear about the .NET Framework... (e.g.: ".NET Software is nearly Opensource because everyone can read the IL-Code w...

How do I see Debug.WriteLine statements when using TestDriven.Net?

I'm trying to use TestDriven.Net not only to test my code, but to call a function on my code whose purpose is to print out the internal state of the code to the Debug window. Here's a very simplified example of what I'm trying to do.. <TestFixture()> _ Public Class UnitTest <Test()> _ Public Sub TestDebug() Dim oClass1...

Why is there no RAII in .NET?

Being primarily a C++ developer the absence of RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) in Java and .NET has always bothered me. The fact that the onus of cleaning up is moved from the class writer to its consumer (by means of try finally or .NET's using construct) seems to be markedly inferior. I see why in Java there is no suppor...

Inline editing in a winforms textbox at design time...

I'm using a custom winforms 2.0 designer (i.e. my apps hosting the designer) which is being used for a small internal project. So far all the controls have their properties edited via the property grid - but I'd like to make it a little more user-friendly by allowing in-line editing - does anyone know of an example of how to implement i...

What is the best / easiest way to talk to SQLite from .NET?

Question says it all, really. My application is a time tracker. It's currently written as a spreadsheet, but there's just too much data and I would like to impose a bit more structure on it. SQLite seems like a neat way to go. I would be open to other suggestions, too. ...

Is .NET memory management faster in managed code than in native code?

I would have thought that it would be clear cut whether memory allocation is faster in managed code than in native code - but there seems to be some controversy. Perhaps memory management under a Virtual Machine be faster because of no context-swapping calls to the OS, but then I see that the VM would itself need to make periodic calls ...

Twin Slider control .net

Has anyone seen a good twin slider control for .Net (Win forms or WPF). I'm looking for something that will allow me to select a range from within a set so the first slider would be the start of the range and the second would be the end. I remember seeing a Swing double slider but it was 6 years ago and I can't for the life of me remem...

Overriding serialization for a particular .NET type

Please consider this example class: [Serializable] public class SomeClass { private DateTime _SomeDateTime; public DateTime SomeDateTime { get { return _SomeDateTime; } set { _SomeDateTime = value; } } } I would like to alter the serialization of any DateTime declared in the class according to my own rules. ...

Performance issue with "new ReportDocument()"

I have a C# application where I create a Crystal Reports ReportDocument, with the line CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument document = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument(); This line takes 3-4 seconds to execute. This seems very slow, especially since the document.Load(fi...

I'm a professional Java developer, should I learn .NET?

Java and .NET seem to have a great number of parallels especially in the web application area. Both languages have many of the same technologies especially in terms of open source libraries (JUnit and NUnit, Hibernate and NHibernate) but there are also plenty of differences and different approaches to solving certain software development...

Which database would you recommend to use with C# (.NET) application?

Hey, I'm developing a little project plan and I came to a point when I need to decide what local databse system to use. The input data is going to be stored on webserver (hosting - MySQL DB). The idea is to build a process to download all necessary data (for example at midnight) and process them. However, there are going to be many inp...