
Stopping installer inbetween.

Hi, I want to stop my installer inbetween programeticaly through my installer class.I want to do this in beforeinstall event handler.However when i call Rollback(),i donot know the IDictionary SavedState to pass as parameter.I am passing it as null due to which the rollback is throwing an exception.Does anyone know how to halt the insta...

Is Mono robust enough for serious enterprise development?

It's been a few years since I've taken a deep look at Mono. When I last took a look, it wasnt quite there as far as BCL implementation and the tools available were limited. I have a specific need now to do some cross platform development, and was wondering what the community thought about Mono as a choice in the enterprise. Since I've be...

How to read out/resolve properties from Castle Windsor config

I have a lot of castle xml configs where properties like connectionstring are also held under .Net configuration sections. I'd like to be able to read out the properties using the container but can't see a mechanism to do it. ie <castle> <configuration> <properties> <connectionString>Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=Y...

Which sorting algorithm is used by .net in IComparer

Do any one know which sorting algorithm is used by .net when we implement IComparer in our class? ...

Can someone explain the benefits of using a Primary Interop Assembly in .Net?

This concept is new to me, and a colleague suggested it. Sadly, I had no idea what he was talking about. Can someone enlighten me? ...

Collapsible Side Panel Control

I am looking for a way to create or implement a collapsible side panel inside of a form. Similar in the way a ToolStripContainer works I would like the same general concept except using panels that I can fill with controls. Does anyone know of a simple way to do this with the provided .Net controls or is this a total custom job. Either w...

Best Server-side .NET PDF editing library

What's the best .NET PDF editing library available, and why? It needs to be used on an IIS web-server. Specifically, I need to edit a PDF which was generated by reporting services. Factors I'm interested in: Speed Memory Consumption Price Quality of documentation Library stability Size of library Whatever else you think is important ...

WMI - Generic Failure

We have a .NET application that uses WMI to gather a wide range of information on machines throughout a network, such as reading the Win32_NTLogEvent to see if Symantec Antivirus has written anything. The queries work fine, but after repeatedly running a WMI query "Generic Failure" errors will start coming back. This happens very consi...

Globalizing runtime generated assemblies

Background A project installs some files that contain all the elements to define a UserControl - some user source, a CodeCompileUnit for designer code, and a resx file. At runtime, these files are compiled into an assembly and the classes are consumed by our main application (the assembly is only updated when necessary). Question The ...

When would you use the "protected internal" access modifier?

As you may already know, the .NET Framework's protected internal access modifier works in a strange way: It doesn't mean the class is protected AND internal, it says the class is protected OR internal; that is, the modified class or member can be accessed from whitin the same assembly as well as from the same hierarchy. So, knowing this...

What's the 'correct' way of registering/installing an Assembly to the GAC?

There seems to be lots of different ways to register assemblies with the GAC, as in, they 'work'. However, what's the "proper" way of doing it? In response to Lou Franco (and gacutil): I'm using Gacutil for development, but it seems to me to be not the proper way to install it, since gacutil isn't included in the basic .NET utilities ...

How do I initialize a blank database as per a populated dataset?

Initialization would include creating all the required tables, constraints and populating the tables. edit: Is there already a project doing this? ...

Preserve white space in string with XmlTextWriter.WriteString

I am writing an XML document in C#. I have something like this... string output = "REAPP DUE NO OF M CASE NBR APPL NBR DATE GRPS M CASE NBR APPL NBR DATE GRPS _ _ _"; and I do this... objXmlTextWriter.WriteStartElement("Case"); ...

What are the core elements to include in Support Documentation?

I have created an application which needs 'hand-over' to the support group in the next month. The application is fairly small (2 months development), and consists of two client side applications and a database, it's written in c# for the windows platform. I have a broad idea of what to include in a support document, but I haven't neede...

Iterate through properties in outlook using reflection

I want to get a list of all the fields which hold a telephone number using VSTO in outlook I tried using reflection but it didnt appear to work. ...

XML From a Web Service Call

Visual Studio makes calling a web service easy, trying to figure out what is going on under the covers is difficult. How can I see the actual XML generated from my .Net app when making a call to a web service? ...

Have trivial properties ever saved your bacon?

There's a lot of advice out there that you shouldn't expose your fields publically, and instead use trivial properties. I see it over & over. I understand the arguments, but I don't think it's good advice in most cases. Does anyone have an example of a time when it really mattered? When writing a trivial property made something impor...

Iterate through a contacts properties using outlook

I want to iterate through a contacts properties and add those that contain the word "Number" to a list with the value, i tries using reflection but it doesnt work. Sample code below using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; namespace Dupl...

New automatic properties in c# 3.0, what's the benefit?

Hi, Whats the benefit of: public string User {get; set;} over public string User; Since you can't access the private member in the first case, how is it any different that just making your property public? ...

YUI DataTable .NET webservice

Does anyone have an example of using of populating a YUI DataTable with a .NET webservice? Thanks in advance. :) ...