
HTML to PostScript Conversion

I'm searching for a free component or library that could convert HTML to PostScript ( .ps file format ). I'm using .Net framework 1.1. Any one have experience with situation like this ? ...

How to create an options screen similar to Office 2007 in .NET

I think the options screen in Office 2007 is much preferrable to the "traditional" fixed-size options dialog with multiple tabbed pages. What would be the best way to create a similar options screen for my own .NET application? Is there an existing control I can buy (or use for free) to do this? Would it be easier to do this in WPF? ...

Subreport source in Crystal Reports for .Net

I am using several sub-reports in a Crystal Reports solution in .Net. I created a stand-alone report, then imported that report into several other reports as a sub-report. Changes to the stand-alone version are not incorporated into any of the reports leveraging it. Will I need to continually re-import the report in this manner, or is th...

What technology should I use to create a distributed Accounting Software?

Here are my current options. .Net : Using WPF, Visual C#, SQLServer Java : Using Spring, Hibernate, Enterprise DB, web-based Can you suggest which one is better?, especially with regards to building complex forms. ...

DataGridView combo box

How do you access the items collection of a combo box in a specific row in a DataGridView? I'm populating the combo as follows: Dim VATCombo As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn With VATCombo .HeaderText = "VAT Rate" .Name = .HeaderText Dim VATCol As New JCVATRateCollec...

Linq to Sql - Loading Child Entities Without Using DataLoadOptions?

Is it possible to load child entities in a single query without using DataLoadOptions? I am using one data context per request in an asp.net web application and trying to get around the linq to sql limitation of not being able to change dataloadoptions once a query has been executed. Thanks. ...

Difference of two 'uint'

When you attempt to declare an unsigned variable in C#.NET with a value outside its value range it is flagged as a compiler error, but if you produce a negative value at runtime and assign it to that variable at runtime the value wraps. uint z = -1; // Will not compile uint a = 5; uint b = 6; uint c = a - b; // Will result in uint.MaxV...

Injecting dependency to Linq to Sql

Is there a mechanism to inject dependencies into Linq to Sql or entity framework entities? If so would it be a sensible approach? ...

Measure Thread Expenses

Joe Duffy states in the MSDN article "Using concurrency for scalability" that the cost of creating a thread is approximately 200,000 cycles, and the cost of destroying is about 100,000 cycles. When I try to create a new thread to perform some calculations, I would like to be sure that the calculations themselves are more expensive than ...

Castle, AOP and Logging in .NET

Are there any tutorials or sample programs out there on using AOP, Castle, and logging in a .Net application? I have found pieces out there but I am looking for something more to help me form a more complete picture. Thanks, -Brian ...

How do I succesfully host a asp.net mvc app on shared hosting without resorting to ugly URLs?

Let's assume we're talking about the recently released Beta version. Specifically I'm interested in a step-by-step tutorial or similar, and I'd be thrilled with information addressing how to do so on CrystalTech. ...

DI- Dynamic parameter of type Type where type is the parent objects type

Hi guys I have a dependency that I need to inject into one of my classes. This dependency will be lifestyle of Transient. It inturn has a dependency of type Type. This type should be the type of the original class. I was just wondering if anyone has any idea how I might go about conducting this registration. See example: public interfa...

Very odd bug when using a System.Timers.Timer

For some odd reason the Elapsed event is firing twice, where it should definitely be firing once. And immediately after, the timer ceases to work... The code structure is somewhat like this: A certain object is defined to fire a certain event when a value it contains, which is constantly updated in 500-1500ms intervals, increases in over...

How to Convert complex XML structures to DataSet with multiple tables

What is the best way to convert an XML document to a .NET 2.0 DataSet. The XML document contains complex structures with parent-child relationships and should be transformed into multiple tables in the DataSet. The DataSet tables should also maintain the relationship among tables. right now, I've to write custom XSLT to do this transform...

Can I force subclasses to override a method without making it abstract?

I have a class with some abstract methods, but I want to be able to edit a subclass of that class in the designer. However, the designer can't edit the subclass unless it can create an instance of the parent class. So my plan is to replace the abstract methods with stubs and mark them as virtual - but then if I make another subclass, I...

Get current/active security zone of a .NET application?

I have an application that behaves oddly, and just to verify, I'd like to see which security zone it is currently running under. I've found the System.Security.SecurityZone enum, but can't seem to find anything that will return which of these I'm running under. Does anyone have any tips? Basically I want to find out if my application ...

Decode escaped Url without using HttpUtility.UrlDecode

Is there any function that converts an escaped Url string to its unescaped form? System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode() can do that job but I don't want to add a reference to System.Web.dll. Since my app is not a web application, I don't want to add a dependency for only using a function in an assembly. UPDATE: Check Rick Strahl's blog post...

How do I stop a DataGridView from automatically selecting a row?

I have a DataGridView control in a TabPage, and I listen for the SelectionChanged event. When the TabPage is selected, the DataGridView selects the first row and fires the SelectionChanged event. How can I stop it from automatically selecting a row? ...

Application crashing when talking to oracle unless executable path contains spaces

We have an x-files problem with our .NET application. Or, rather, hybrid Win32 and .NET application. When it attempts to communicate with Oracle, it just dies. Vanishes. Goes to the big black void in the sky. No event log message, no exception, no nothing. If we simply ask the application to talk to a MS SQL Server instead, which has ...

How to get only the schema of the database into a dataset?

How to load only the schema of the tables into a dataset. ...