
Activator.GetObject - MarshalByRefObject

In .Net Activator.GetObject(Type type, string url, object data) returns a proxy to the object. I guess that proxy inherits from MarshalByRefObject and can be sent across AppDomains. Am I right? In my app, I am creating an object in appdomain A and using it appdomain B. The object's members are proxyobjects created using Activator.GetObj...

How to determine if a .NET assembly was built for x86 or x64?

I've got an arbitrary list of .NET assemblies. I need to programmatically check if each DLL was built for x86. (As opposed to x64 or Any CPU.) Is this possible? ...

How to disable console options.

Is it possible to disable the options dialog box for a .net console application? Or somehow keep the user from changing the console properties? ...

Use .NET COM in vb6

Im having trouble using a .NET COM in vb6, It compiles ok and I use regasm to register it, add a reference to it in the vb6 project, it even has intellisense. But when I try to make make an instance it gives me an 'Automation Error'. Any one can help? Thanks in advance. ...

.Net 3.5 Windows Forms Application: x86 vs x64 load times on 64 bit Vista

We are developing a Winforms application and in the process of optimizing the start-up time. The app runs on 64 bit Vista machines. In our testing we found what seems like a counter intuitive result. All else equal, targeting 32-bit vs 64-bit loads in half the time. Can anyone shed some light as to why? Thanks. [Edit] We deploy the...

What's the best way for a .NET Compact Framework executable to delete itself?

I'd like my .NET Compact Framework app to delete itself after it finishes executing. What's the best way to do this? On a Windows machine it's possible to do this using a .bat file, but that's not an option on mobile devices. ...

Highly complex, integrated web app - which language would you use?

Say you had to develop a web-based application that needs to be able to read the contents of a .NET DLL, and from that, populate the local database with a list of all the namespaces, classes, etc. It has to also do the same thing with Java JAR files. Are there limitations on what language I could use to develop this? I'm leaning towar...

How to break when an event occurs, or determine associated handlers?

I'm using a large open-source control and I can't seem to find the code that handles a double-click event. Could I perhaps have the debugger break when a double-click occurs or otherwise learn what code is associated with that event? ...

What is the best way to have Authenticate for a Web Service

Hi folks, We have a .NET web service API. Currently, people use the SOAP definition to consume the API, because we require authentication through a custom Authentication element in the SOAP header. Works perfectly. fine. SOAP requires the request to be a POST. We want to allow the users to use a the GET verb (so it can be cacheable). ...

Anyone know of a set of C# bindings for FFMPEG?

Does anyone know of a set of bindings for C# to drive the FFMpeg library directly ? I could shell to ffmpeg.exe directly but I found it hard to sync/control as a separate process. any help would be appreciated. ...

Best 3D Graphics Engine for .NET

I've been thinking about tinkering with 3D graphics programming in .NET. In the past, I've thought about Truevision3D, and XNA, but I've not used either of these. I scanned Stackoverflow for the exact question, but neither of the (almost) relevant question (such as this question about rendering graphics, and this question about Learni...

Will this WCF client side code cause a memory leak?

One of the frequent causes of memory leaks in .Net are event handlers which are never removed from their source objects. Will this WCF code cause a memory leak, or will the lamda go out of scope too, allowing both the proxy class and the handler to be GCed? void AMethod() { WCFClient proxy; proxy = new WCFClient(); proxy.R...

.NET control to edit xml file

Can anyone reccomend a .net control (winforms) that can be used to as a designer to edit xml files / DSL files ?? ...

Lightweight SQL database which doesn't require installation

Could you recommend me, please, lightweight SQL database which doesn't require installation on a client computer to work and could be accessed easily from .NET application? Only basic SQL capabilities are needed. Now I am using Access database in simple projects and distribute .MDB and .EXE files together. Looking for any alternatives. ...

What are the benefits of using WCF?

We currently just utilize soap webservices for all our communication but have been thinking about moving to WCF instead. What are the benefits of using it over an asmx service? If we do go with a WCF service, can other languages still communicate with it? SOAP is standardized and all languages can interact with it. Are there any really ...

Pros and Cons of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)

What are the pros and cons of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)? What are the best and worst cases in which to use LINQ? How have you benefitted or not benefitted from using LINQ? Which data sources benefit the least and the most from LINQ? ...

What are your favorite extension methods for C#? (codeplex.com/extensionoverflow)

Let's make a list of answers where you post your excellent and favorite extension methods. The requirement is that the full code must be posted and a example and an explanation on how to use it. Based on the high interest in this topic I have setup an Open Source Project called extensionoverflow on Codeplex. Please mark your answers...

Free .NET Windows Controls Library?

Does anyone know any good and free .NET Windows Controls Library ...

How to use a different template for selected and drop down states in combo box in Silverlight?

I can't seem to set a ContentTemplate for a ComboBoxItem. There reason I'm trying to do this is I want to have 2 appearances for my data in the combo box. When the combo box is open (menu is down) I want a text box (with the name of the image) and an image control below it. When I select the item I want the combo box to just show a text ...

How to convert from Special Folders to full file names

Is there a way of converting special folder paths to a full file name (and back) or do I need to code my own (not hard I know, but no point if it exists) e.g. I want to store the file name of a template for an application, which the user can then change, it exists in the LocalApplicationData folder. what I would like to store is the lo...