
How to prevent ToolStrip from docking in another ToolStripContainer?

I have an MDI application that allows me to open different types of child windows. I can open multiple (but different) instances of the same type of child window. (Example: I can open 3 instances of child window type A and 2 instances of child window type B. All 5 windows are distinct entities and do not share data until unless the us...

Are There Easy Ways To Print Data on Specific Area

I'd like to print some data to specific area on A4 paper. Are there any easy way to do like that? It's very difficult for me to find coordinate of X and Y. Below is my sample code in VB.NET to print the data. Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles Print...

WPF: TIFF images with JPEG compression?

I have a large number of TIFF images that I’d need to use in a WPF program (.NET 3.5 SP1 specifically and using C#). Half of the TIFF files contain color images encoded using JPEG compression and they don’t work with WPF. The “Microsoft Office Document Imaging” application handles the files fine. As Windows itself doesn’t really like the...

Updating The Status Bar Of An MMC Snapin

I'm writing an MMC snap-in that grabs some data from a database and puts it into a form. I want to update the status line to say how many records were found. I have the ASyncStatus object, but calling Complete, like the example code does, results in nothing. I'm stumped. I'm doing the call from a form, whereas the example code does it f...

Ignore NullReferenceException when reading object properties

Is there any way to direct C# to ignore NullReferenceException (or any specific exception for that matter) for a set of statements. This is useful when trying to read properties from a deserialized object that may contain many null objects in it. Having a helper method to check for null could be one way but I'm looking for something clo...

Automate download of BusinessObjecs Web Intelligence reports

I'm tasked with automating the retrieval of a couple of BusinessObjects Web Intelligence reports and further processing thereof. I have no other means of access to this data (this was the first avenue I followed), so I will have to do some screen scraping. Alas, the interface seems user-only. Grr! Has anyone done this before? Like to s...

Modifying controls with Form.Controls

I'm passing a reference of a form to a class. Within this class I believed I could use formRef->Controls["controlName"] to access properties on the control. This works for a few labels, but on a button I receive a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when I try to change the Text property. Help or explanation appreci...

Help needed for LINQ To SQL operations (insert/update) with nested POCO's

Ok well I've been trying to convert my model to use LINQ but didn't want to throw away my current DTO's and their interfaces which are scattered through the domain. I managed to find this blog post which has outlined the process quite nicely: Achieving POCOs in LINQ To SQL I have the managed to get the retrieval of records to objects ...

Do event handlers stop garbage collection from occuring?

If I have the following code: MyClass pClass = new MyClass(); pClass.MyEvent += MyFunction; pClass = null; Will pClass be garbage collected? Or will it hang around still firing it's events whenever they occur? Will I need to do the following in order to allow garbage collection? MyClass pClass = new MyClass(); pClass.MyEvent += MyFun...

Good article/blog/tutorial for using open source rules engine (nxBRE) in the application development

Hi, Can anyone please point me to any Good article/blog/tutorial/screen cast for using open source rules engine (nxBRE) in the application development? Thanks & Regards, Ajay ...

Memory management for .NET components used by unmanaged code

When working in the unmanaged world, we have to make sure that we clean up after ourselves if we have allocated memory on the heap (e.g. by using the new keyword in C++); we also have to make sure that we AddRef COM components that are created using CreateInstance and to Release it later; perhaps something like: SomeNameSapce::IObjPtr o...

In an ASP.NET Web Setup Project, can I disable anonymous access in IIS?

I have a really simple ASP.NET web application and a web setup project that deploys the project output and content files to a virtual directory in IIS. What I want is for the MSI to automatically disable Anonymouse Access for that virtual folder in IIS. I suspect it can probably be done by writing some code in a custom action DLL, tha...

Milliseconds missing when getting a DateTime value from Excel using .Net Interop

If I put a DateTime value into an Excel cell using Range.set_value through .Net COM Interop, and then retrieve the value of that same cell using Range.get_value, the Millisecond part of the value is not returned, though everything else is correct. Is this a bug? What is the workaround? I'm guessing that using the Value2 property instea...

How do I disable visual styles for just one control, and not its children?

I have a TabControl within a TabControl. I want the outer TabControl to show its tabs on the left. However, with Visual Styles enabled, left-aligned TabControls don't display properly. Can I disable Visual Styles for just the outer TabControl? I'm aware of the third-party TabControl replacements - that's not what I'm after. ...

How do you display the "cannot connect" dialog in windows mobile when a webservice URL is unreachable?

Hi. On windows mobile when there is no internet connection and I try to browse the web using internet explorer i get cannot connect information at the top of the screen. It says cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings. And I am able to tap Settings and setup network connections. ...

WPF UC in Winforms occasionally has an odd border to the left / visually corrupted

I have a WPF user control I created that is used to show the state of tasks in my UI. I get the odd report back that the control sometimes has a nasty looking border to the left and I cannot reproduce it. The control looks like this (when working) (grey tick=not run, green=OK,red cross=fail,hourglass=running); It looks like this when...

SQLMembershipProvider - source code

Where can I find the source code for SQLMembershipProvider (.NET2.0)? Is it available? ...

Is the .NET Framework usable on Win98?

I need to write a little tool for a customer to be run on Windows 98. Since this is a very small project I'd hope that I could avoid having to go native C++ and use C#. The .net Framework 2.0 download claims to support Windows 98. Are there any caveats or hitches to be aware of when installing or coding? ...

What is the best way to detect if a COM component is installed

I have a COM interop assembly, and I would like to check from a .NET application whether the component I'm about to create is installed on the machine. I would like to provide a nice error message if it is not installed. Put the instantiation into try-catch is not a good solution for me, as I would like to distingwish between the miss...

Video Conferencing API

Hey, I'm looking for a video conferencing .NET API where I can connect peer to peer. Currently I am using Skype API, but it is missing a few features, such as being able to switch to fullscreen via the api, and being able to change the user via the api. Any suggestions? Cheers ...