
.Net CAD component that can read/write dxf/ dwg files

I am looking for .net CAD component that can read/write dxf/dwg files. Besides vector draw, is there any other such components? ...

Getting XML Schema from MS SQL Database

Is it possible to generate a XML Schema of a Database programatically with .Net and C#? I want to look into NDbUnit but for big databases it would not really be feasible to make a Schema manually? EDIT: Question wasn't clear. ...

GetModifiedMembers returns empty array

In this code: DataContext dx = new DataContext( string.Empty ); MockLinqDataObject foo = new MockLinqDataObject(); dx.GetTable( foo.GetType() ).Attach( foo ); foo.PK = Guid.NewGuid(); // always returns empty array ModifiedMemberInfo[] arr_Result = dx.GetTable( foo.GetType() ).GetModifiedMembers( foo ); bool isOk = ( arr_Result.Length ...

Windows ToolBar-dockable application

How to create a windows toolbar-dockable application - like Winamp Desk Band - in .NET? ...

Reporting in .net winforms with end user designer

Hi What are you guys using as reporting engine in .net, with end user designing capabilities? I tried DevExpress XtraReports, but i am not able to successfully achieve consistent results. (for example, i try to display a detailreport of sold machines for a certain contact -> first field works fine, other fields don't; no data in them...

Connecting to POP3 servers

Hi, Does .NET have a way to pull email from a POP3 server out of the box or you have to code/buy a 3rd party component? ...

Custom namespace for code behind .aspx page

I am using .NET2.0. Let's say a have a simple aspx form with txtInput and btnSomeAction <asp:TextBox ID="txtInput" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="btnSomeAction" runat="server" CommandName="SomeAction" Text="Do"/> Then within the code behind the form I have Protected Sub btnSomeAction_Click(ByVal sender As System....

How can a hashtable be bound to a drop down list?

In vb.net / winforms, how can a hashtable be bound to a drop down list or any other datasource-driven control? ...

LINQ -- How do I perform aggregation without the "group by"

Good morning, Everything I can find in linq for aggregation has a "group by" clause. How would I write this query in LINQ? I have a list of date-value pairs, and I want to take the average of the values. SELECT AVG(MySuff.Value) AS AvgValue FROM MyStuff Regards, Alan. ...

jQuery .Net Deployment Issue

Just started getting into jQuery and have an issue with a jQuery Post call working perfectly on my local dev box (VS 2008 built-in web server), but failing when I deploy to a windows 2003 server (IIS 6) box. The post works and the page being posted to process things correctly, but a response is never received by the calling Post functio...

Saving Attachment

I am trying to monitor my outlook inbox so whenever new emails come in with attachments I save the attachment to some other location. Can anyone help me out? ...

Web Service or DLL?

I'm creating an app that needs to be accessed by both a web front end hosted on an internal network and also run as a scheduled task. Nothing will need to be accessed outside of our internal systems and once the app is up and running we don't envisage anything changing for some time. My initial thought is to create a DLL encapsulating t...

Best way to print Invoices, Pick Tickets etc...

Well, heres my scenario. Client/Server winforms application with SQL Express as the DB. I need to be able to print invoice, packing slips etc.. i would like the customer to be able to modify the invoices. ie. be able to put their logo or change font sizes etc...basically format the display. Things i have considered so far are. 1) Use...

Ndepend and other automatic code analyser revelence?

Since yesterday, I am analyzing one of our project with Ndepend (free for most of its features) and more I am using it, and more I have doubt about the real value of this type of software (code-analysis software). Let me explain, The system build a report about the health of the system and class by Rank every metric. I thought it would ...

Creating and deploying an ActiveX control in .NET

Since there is apparently no Flash control that can accept bitmap pastes, I want to think about writing one myself. I'd rather not use Flash though, so I though about using .NET. Now I believe the correct terminology for a native code control that can be downloaded and run in the browser is "ActiveX control". So my question is, can I cr...

Can I set the expires header on all objects in an Amazon S3 bucket all at once?

I've got about 200k images in a bucket. They all have expires headers of 2050 but I've read you shouldn't send an expires header older than a year. I want to schedule a script to run every month and set the headers to 6 months away. Anything out there? Obviously I'd like to avoid iterating 200k objects. ...

.NET Guard Class Library?

I'm looking for a library or source code that provides guard methods such as checking for null arguments. Obviously this is rather simple to build, but I'm wondering if there are any out there for .NET already. A basic Google search didn't reveal much. ...

How to best implement swear words handler (.NET preferred)?

For an ASP.NET application, what is the Best Practice implementation method for a custom swear word remover/replacer? If this is a data table solution, is there free resource to get the data? (Similar to finding a public dictionary table that you can import to your system for spellchecking) ...

best way for accessing data over internet . ADO.Net dataservices?

This may appear a newbie question but forgive me I am new to the world of dot Net. I have to make a desktop application that connects to a local SQL Server database. However in some cases the same database will be running on a server which can be accessed via the internet. What is the best way to design such a program. Basically the pr...

Using events in IE hosted windows form controls

I've created a windows form control which works successfully hosted in Internet Explorer. I'd like to give it an event and be able to respond to the event through javascript. I found a link that talks about it here. It shows me how to create the interfaces but I'm not sure how to fire the event from my control? Here's my code snipp...