
What is the minimum knowledge of CLR a .NET programmer must have to be a good programmer?

When we talk about the .NET world the CLR is what everything we do depends on. What is the minimum knowledge of CLR a .NET programmer must have to be a good programmer? Can you give me one/many you think is/are the most important subjects: GC?, AppDomain?, Threads?, Processes?, Assemblies/Fusion? I will very much appreciate if you post...

Has anyone heard of how .NET 4.0 may change/affect Asp.net MVC?

We should have a full release of asp.net MVC well before .NET 4.0 and VS 10 come out, right? I'm really hoping MS can keep MVC as dynamic as other more open frameworks are. ...

SSCrypto/OpenSSL to C# Crypto

Has anyone been able to use the SSCrypto Framework for Cocoa to encrypt text and then decrypt it in C#/.NET ? Or can someone offer some guidance? I'm pretty sure my issue has to do with getting the crypto settings correct but I am far from fluent in Cocoa so I can't really tell what settings are being used in the library. However my att...

How do I set Network Management settings or make the dialog appear in C# on Windows Mobile?

In Windows Mobile, when you open Internet Explorer and type in a URL that your device can't connect to, you are notified of this and prompted to (manually) navigate to the screen where you can actually do something about this as a user (Network Management), like so: However, if a .NET Compact Framework application tries to connect to ...

Microsoft.NET and the Multicore CPU of Doom

The question proper Has anyone experienced this exception on a single core machine? The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. Some context On a single CPU system, only one MSIL instruction is executed at a time, threads notwithstanding. Between operations, the runtime gets to do...

How do you do data management tasks in a Db4o Object Database?

I'm new to OODBMS systems, but I'm using Db4o on a new project for which it's perfectly suited. Things are going great and I really like the concept, but I'm struggling with how to do basic data management tasks associated with development. Periodically I want to wipe out all of a certain Type in the DB, how do I do this without actual...

Height of string measured with MeasureString in PrintPreviewDialog differs from that in actual printing.

Hello! I'm trying to measure height of some text for table printing purpose. Here's the code. In my case it prints different numbers in preview and on actual page. I can't try on any printers other than Microsoft Office Document Image Writer right now, but I'm pretty sure it isn't a printer issue. Perhaps somebody have found a workaro...

Tabcontrol select

How to implement some of the tabs need to close by some events or some button click? ...

.NET Windows Service running external applications

I'm writing a windows service which will be used to monitor some other services and runs an external application if the service goes down. I've got most of it working, the windows service runs, the code monitoring the other services works a treat but I'm having problems running the external app when there's a failure. The external app ...

What is the best way to connect to a DotNet web service from java?

We have a dotnet web service that a java using customer wants to connect to. What is the best technology for them to use? Axis or Metro, or something else? ...

Counterpart of .NETs NetworkStream / SslStream in Delphi 7

I have written a secure TCP server in .NET. This was basically as simple as creating a TcpListener instance and wrapping the connected client's NetworkStreams with SslStreams. Now I need to access this TCP server with Delphi 7 (alternatively: Delphi 2007). I haven't found anything in the help, and a Google search shows up lots of compl...

How can I/O priority of a process be increased?

I want to increase the I/O priority of a process, both answers for .NET and windows vista would be nice... (or processexplorer is ok as well) ...

Does RSA Private key always contain the Public key, or is it just .NET?

Hi everyone. I'm using RSACryptoServiceProvider in .NET 2 and it seems that the Private part of a Public/Private key pair always contains the Public part as well. I need to encrypt some info using my Public key, and allow the other party to ONLY DECRYPT what I encrypted. I don't want them to be able to know how I encrypted my message. ...

Is .NET MailMessage class injection-safe?

I wonder if MailMessage class is protected from e-mail injection. For example, should I check values before passing them to its constructor: MailMessage message = new MailMessage(fromTextBox.Text, toTextBox.Text); ...

Automatically Unit Test Example Code

My team is responsible for the development of an API for a large system that we also write. We need to provide example code so that other developers using our API can learn how to use it. We have been documenting the code using the xml document comments. eg. /// <summary>Summary here</summary> /// <example>Here is an example <code>exam...

Why Dictionary is preferred over hashtable in C#?

In most of programming languages, we preferred using a dictionary over a hashtable . What are the reasons behind it? ...

Uniform error handling of large interfaces

Suppose I have a .NET assembly, A, which uses reflection to load assemblies B and C (also .NET). These two assemblies both implement a number of large interfaces (the same for both). When a method is called in A it tries to make B do the work. However, B is unreliable and might throw exceptions. Now A has two modes, one where it propagat...

Can I (and do I ever want to) set the maximum heap size in .net?

Coming from a java background, one of the things I am used to is telling the JVM what the maximum heap size should be. If the running program tries to swallow more than is allowed, and the garbage collector cannot free any more resources, then OutOfMemoryError is thrown and it all goes bang. So setting the maximum heap size is importan...

Is there a .NET Library or API to interact with/Edit the IIS Metabase ?

...or am I stuck rolling my own "XML chopping" functions. I'd like to create a small tasktray app so I can quickly re-point a Virual Directory to one of several of folders on my harddisk. Bit of background: I have 3 different svn branches of our code base on my dev machine. Current Production Branch ( C:\Projects\....\branches\Pro...

Show me the way to use new "dynamic" keyword in C# 4.0

Here is new C# future in version 4.0 known as dynamic. Show me the way i can use it in my code and how this future can help me? ...